Former President Trump’s attorneys are reportedly in touch with Justice Department officials for the first time as the DOJ’s Jan. 6 probe expands into Trump’s orbit, sources familiar with the matter told CNN.
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Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate.
Appeal, appeal, appeal.
Run out the clock… maybe it will get to where Gerald Ford or the 21st century equivalent will pardon him to “end our long national nightmare.”
I can only hope that should such an outcome occur, he will be in the middle of a long Federal prison sentence that conceivably could even require release on compassionate grounds. Compassion! What an irony.
OK, I’ll give you half. But in 6 years.
Alex Jones’s attorneys, seeing he was going to stiff them by declaring bankruptcy, screwed him well by turning over his phone. My theory, anyway. Trump’s attorneys would be smart to take a lesson from them, knowing that Trump is going to stiff them too. Plus they’d be hailed as patriots. Even if Trump doesn’t text and only does voice calls, the metadata alone would be most interesting.
“Discussions between Trump’s legal team and DOJ officials reportedly center around whether the former president would be allowed to shield discussions he had during his time in office from federal investigators.”
“In response, DOJ officials told the former president…”

Trump’s claims of executive privilege.
A Trump spokesman said in a statement to CNN: “There is clearly a concerted effort to undermine the vital, Constitutionally-rooted Executive and Attorney-Client Privileges through partisan, political persecution.”
“How can any future President ever have private conversations with his attorneys, counselors, and other senior advisors if any such advisor is forced, either during or after the Presidency, in front of an Unselect Committee or other entity, and be forced to reveal those privileged, confidential discussions?” the spokesman said. “President Trump will not be deterred by witch hunts or kangaroo courts from continuing to defend and fight for America, our Constitution, and the Truth.”
There is no citation to the “Constitutionally-rooted Executive and Attorney-Client Privileges” so Alito will have to do his own research. 
You left out “tiny-brained wiper of other people’s bottoms.”
I would love if someone would challenge this crap by demanding to know precisely what Biden has done that is so lawless.
They got nothin’. And Hannity is most likely implicated in J6, so he had better start watching his words. If Alex Jones teaches us anything, words can most assuredly be used against you in court.
Boo that Nazi off the stage, out of the building, and back to Hungary!
Don’t flatter yourself, fool.
Q: Can conversations focused mostly about whether any communications that witnesses who served in the Trump West Wing had with him be shielded from a federal criminal grand jury under Trump’s claims of executive privilege?
A: No.
Oh good time to say F Sean Hannity.
Why does this make me feel pensive, and…
That’s not irony.
That’s cowardice, fueled by greed.