President Donald Trump reportedly has been privately suggesting an eyebrow-raising solution to the COVID-19 outbreak consuming the nation: Let it keep doing that.
Other unnamed officials said that Trump has “repeatedly” (in the Post’s words) asked the same question in the Oval Office.
He’s a psychopath. We always knew this. If he wants a thing, that thing will outweigh mass death in his mind. What he wants outweighs any other consideration. He should be locked away where he can’t hurt people. But we live in a society run by a death cult led by a madman.
Of course, he and his family only come into contact with people who have been tested, and tested again. Everyone else would be put into the GOP death lottery.
The only thing shocking about this story is that anyone is shocked by it. Does anyone think Trump cares whether people live or die as long as it means the economy has a chance of recovery (and, therefore, he has an increased chance at reelection)?
There has to be some tipping point where the Republicans say “Enough is enough!” I thought we would have hit that point a long time ago but apparently we haven’t.
This is so easy: Just tell him that a critical number of people, doing necessary jobs, will die and that will crash the economy and his money will become irrelevant.
He revealed the other day that he doesn’t know the difference between a bacteria and a virus. Which means he has made ZERO effort to truly understand what is happening to this country and the world.
And he’s in charge! Why is this country so goddam stupid???
And the best thing for the economy is to protect life and suppress the virus to the greatest extent possible, no matter how painful it is economically in the short term. But that’s too complex an idea for his mind to grasp.
No. His incompetence and mental illness are now literally killing Americans by the thousands. We’re past any place where they’d throw their hands up and say “Enough.” I thought there might be such a place, and admit I was wrong.
Not shocked at Trump’s sociopathy. Still (perhaps naively) shocked that it’s only the medicos in Trump’s orbit who appear to understand that destroying the economy with a deadly pandemic is probably not the best plan for saving the economy. Say the Trumpkins care only about their money. Do they really think turning the US into northern Italy, or worse, isn’t going to burn big piles of their money?