Report: State Dept Quietly Released Ukraine Aid At Bolton’s Orders

What is it? About an inch long?

So, is this why the promised fake announcement of the fake investigation did not take place, rather than the whistleblower?

Bolton’s 15 minutes in the Giuliani "when this is over, I will be the hero” spotlight.


It just shows that Bolton knows how to play the game far better than any of the other players in this slapstick tragicomedy.


Stalin refused to admit the alliance was over, even when German troops were crossing the border, German artillery was shelling, and German planes were dropping bombs. Not to mention purposefully ignoring the massive buildup, and intelligence sources telling him that the German invasion was imminent. (Remember, the original invasion plan was supposed to happen months earlier, but Hitler got sidetracked by having to bail out Italy in Greece, by invading Yugoslavia and Greece. Most everything else was in place, except the units on the southern flank that were used for those invasions).

It wasn’t a mutual dissolution of the Pact.

Correct, though it should properly be called the Soviets, and not the Russians. Present day Russia was only part of the Soviet Union back then.

I think you get my point, but again, it wasn’t “tying down German forces to make it easier for the West”. It was retaking conquered Soviet territory away from the Germans (at least until they got to the Baltic states, Poland and the Axis allies in Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria).

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I don’t know, but I sure hope they don’t come out at the end of this Administration to take a deep bow, like they’re performers in some hit Broadway show, because I’ll have to throw a tomato or a shoe at them. Though they deserve much worse.

I think they think they’re actually noble, courageous, and deserving of immense credit, when in reality, no one is going to claim them when this is over.

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I agree that it would be too much for Baldwin to play him, as he would either continue his buffoonish portrayal which would be inappropriate and humanizing, or try to play Trump “straight”, which would feel weird given how he’s played him on SNL, plus I don’t think that Baldwin is an especially great dramatic actor, being a major league ham. Ok, he was great in GGGR, but that was a singular role. Hmm, come to think of it, that character wasn’t all that different from Trump. To the losers, steak knives!

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One could argue against the process being fair. Not even talking about the electoral college here, but all the voter suppression efforts by the GOP.

It’s certainly true that you can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning.
I’m not saying you should. But I understand.

Hero and zero just got way too relative these past couple of years, didn’t it?


[quote=“thebigragu, post:22, topic:159983”]
Jared Kushner is our new Secretary of State
Ivanka my Chief of Staff
Don Jr. The Oval Office Court Jester

Need I go on.
Yes -

I think Eric has the inside track on Jester.

Don Jr. wants Sec Defense


That’s the beauty of it! Because as much as people play the guessing game out here, inside the WH that game is going off the hook!!

And at precisely the wrong time for everyone to start getting massively paranoid about everyone else on the “team”.


Way off topic, but illustrates a. Giuliani’s buttdialing a password to a journalist which leads to a revelation on who “Charles” is ( Charles Gucciardo, a personal injury lawyer) and b. how Giuliani’s reputation has declined to the point where he hires a 20 year old Liberty U. pseudoevangelist as a communications director.

That’s because in late September Giuliani hired a communications director. The new hire — 20-year-old Liberty University Online communications major (’22) Christianné Allen—is currently the most solid connection between the work the President’s private attorney was doing in Ukraine, an ongoing federal investigation into two of his clients, and a Long Island personal injury lawyer who for reasons still unclear reportedly paid Giuliani $500,000 in two lump-sum “loans” on behalf of a scam business in the fall of 2018.

And so, as I thumbed through an Instagram account, I found myself wondering why in the world Rudy Giuliani hired this girl, who can’t help but document everything she does, everywhere she goes, sowing circumstantial evidence across the internet that could impact impeachment proceedings against the President of the United States.

This all reflects a larger theme in Trump world: As it becomes increasingly untenable for serious people to associate themselves with Trump, their world gets smaller, and the tried and true allies who hang on find themselves with fewer and fewer options for top-tier advisers, lawyers, campaign staff, and so on. It’s hard to quench the thirst for loyalty in the middle of such a drought, but, as the saying goes, there’s honor among thieves. They might at first seem like odd couples, but they tend to play in the same sandbox, by the same rules.

ETA Lev Parnas, Marijuana and Las Vegas all make appearances in this curious tale.


Well, it was reported yesterday that Mulvaney has joined that lawsuit too!

Apparently they are afraid of Trump’s Non Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) they signed. They are seeking legal release to ignore and to void those bogus contacts they signed.

That’s what I think this is all about.


I didn’t know that there was such a thing.


This is not about Ukraine aid. There is real money and extortion that was being directed to Preshitident Skanky Putin Whore, Iwanker and the Trump Organization. Igor, Lev and Rudy would not make plans to travel to Vienna to see Firtash and then to Kiev for military equipment and foreign aid.


Isn’t that still Mulvaney’s Department? He really needs to testify, for his own good.

Heads at OMB will be OFFed.


Well yeah, to me that goes without saying, but then again we can’t say it enough.


Bolton was trying to keep his ass out of jail from the “drug deal” going down.


I’m not saying that Stalin did this in order to help his western allies, of course, just that the massive battles between his forces and Hitler’s ended up tying the latter down in the east. All the more so given that Hitler was the clear aggressor here, by making the stupid and fateful decision to invade Russia proper that was probably the single most decisive factor in determining the conclusion of WWII. And yes, Soviets, not just Russians, a level of suffering akin to our civil war.


And then …
