Report: Pentagon Brass Privately Discussing What To Do If Trump Invokes Insurrection Act | Talking Points Memo

Trump is a traitor, plain and simple. He swore an oath. Truth, honor, and dignity are unknown to the orange worm. He should be frog-marched to the Atlantic shore on January 20th and told to leave. Maybe one of his Trump parade boat armadas will come to his aid … if they do not capsize first.


See Bork, Robert; Saturday Night Massacre


For those who have never served in the military, lemme help correct a few myths:

  1. There is basically no such thing as an “unlawful” order. As long as someone can get a lawyer somewhere to say it’s okay, it’s lawful.

  2. Because of 1 above, if you’re a soldier and you *think" an order is unlawful and disobey, you’re going to end up punished, even in prison.

  3. This is why they’re talking about refusing by resigning, to get Congress and the people involved. Staying in place violates 1 above, which is that Trump will most certainly have had DOJ lawyers clear whatever he’s trying to do.


Your post is excellent.

A belief in legitimacy is the foundation of everything that makes the country work. When enough people no longer trust the institutions that govern, we become a failed state. That is the definition of a failed state.

TRump has trashed the executive branch, McConnell has forever twisted the trust of the senate in particular and congress in general, and now the GOP is about to break the Supreme Court. I am confident that Biden is going to win this election by any measure - I am much less sure about what America will look like 6 months from now. FOX and the GOP, by denigrating government at every possible opportunity, have basically destroyed the foundation.


America will not ever be the same, even if Trump leaves the WH (which I doubt he will), neither he nor the GOP leaders are going to do anything to restore unity. Do you see Cruz or Cotton or any of those SOB doing anything other than stirring further resentment?


I have optimism that any and all Trump plans to perpetuate himself in office will fail. The real danger is the 35 percent of the country who are certain that he can only lose in a stolen election, and the media that sustains their collective delusion. President Biden needs a plan for hundreds or thousands of Timothy McVeighs. That’s just a fact, a given, not a speculation at all.


I agree that this is psychological war. Although exhausting - he needs to be called on everything. It doeswork.

This nonsense going on PA needs to be given the spotlight treatment x infinity.


Do they still hang traitors?


The U.S. Military swears an oath to the Constitution, not the President. Following an order to interfere with an election would be the coup.


A strategically thinking foreign adversary may take this opportunity of utter US chaos (thanks to the Orange One) to launch an attack. I’m not talking Chinese or Russian warships off our coast, but a cyber attack or something just as sinister to further disrupt our country.


Yup. The ‘principled adults in the room’ - all fucking resigned from the administration - rather than take a public stance and push back - risking their careers (and book royalties.)

That’s the chicken shit ‘profiles in courage’ that got us in this God awful place.

More LtCol Vindmans - less John Boltons


just wow when reading the headlines, that this is the US

all I can really say is: the fairness doctrine was apparently the backbone to a civil American society and functional government

shoving the heavily armed MAGAt bubba genie back into the bottle seems like an insurmountable task, IDK anymore, faith is cratering


Good Lord - I hope that this is a multi-layered situation

  • and that this sort of “leaked” info on discussions is a warning flare across the bow of the SS Trump …
  • and that there are several other very confidential & very very substantive plans and courses of action that have been very fully fleshed out and are comprehensively understood & agreed upon by the key individuals with their hands on the levers of military power.

Note: when the Protestors & Rioters were in the streets in Washington D.C. and Trump blustered about rolling the troops out

  • It was reassuring when the top brass paused and said “Uh … NO … that is not how we operate”
  • but … it also made me a bit nauseous - because it pulled back the curtain for Trump and his evil trolls - it identified the individuals with power who might stand in the way of totalitarian actions … and thus identified the individuals who will need to be neutralized in some way … we can only hope that the integrity of an impartial non-partisan armed forces runs deep

Things don’t happen in a vacuum. If Trump steals the election, there will be widespread protests, and with those either spontaneously or directed by bad actors, there is going to be riots and looting, and that is when the Insurrection Act comes in. Nothing is more sacred to Americans than property, we already fought a civil war over that, so you really think that the Military is going to refuse to obey the president when looting and destruction of property is going on?

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Speaking as someone working in Television and Radio through the 80’s - some of us saw it coming. The repeal of the doctrine and the rise of ‘cable’ (For which the doctrine never applied - since it’s not a ‘broadcast’ band - but a subscription channel just like a newspaper)

There was one party that wanted to repeal all of the laws around Fairness in broadcasting, equal time and the restrictions on monolithic media - whereby one company owned all the media in a market - and that one party was the Republicans.




If you’re referring to those who have to carry out orders or make sure they’re carried out, enlisted soldiers and NCOs, sure, they don’t have much choice. But the generals and other top officers are in a different category and have more leeway. They’re not going to get dragged to the brig or summarily shot on that asshole’s orders. WILL NOT HAPPEN.


The key here is think, as apposed to know. That is why there is the discussion among the Brass.

When I was in the USMC, I was escorting a prisoner to the Generals office, when my Commanding Officer came between myself and my prisoner making all kinds of bodily harm threats to him. I stepped in raised my Billy Club and threatened to beat the shit out him unless he moved back and leave my prisoner be.

I assure you my Commanding Officer obeyed my order.


Whether he wins or loses, we are already there.

I think that’s where Americans really need to wake up. These people didn’t just show up. They’ve been here the entire time. They didn’t just get radicalized. They have been here all along. There aren’t significantly more of them today than there were on 1/19/2017 or 11/8/16. They were here all along. Trump only emboldened them and gave them a microphone. Until we accept that part as a a country, we can’t really move forward and deal the problem.


You seem committed to the view that we’re fucked and there’s nothing we can do about it. Seems like you don’t have much faith in democratic and lawful institutions, attitudes and practitioners, like nearly 250 years of independent democracy was held together by baling wire and unbelievably good luck that’s about to run out. I say that’s bunk.

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