Report: McConnell Leaves Door Open To Convicting Trump Amid Ex-POTUS’ Clownish Defense

OK. Putting on the thinking cap here. I about 99 percent don’t buy it. But we do know McConnell’s devotion to furthering the GOP and his vision of conservatism is like evolution: There are geological ages’ worth of evidence for it. So the only reason this nonsense could possibly be true is that he has polling evidence that we’re at the most excruciatingly thin 51-49 point where dumping Trump once and for all finally helps more than it hurts. I don’t see that being true, but he’s in a better position to know it than me. Personally I think some reporter got used. It happens.


How can they vote now to convict, after they voted that the whole thing was unconstitutional. What a crock of shit…

If the headline read “Old Bad Faithful Leaves Door Open To Convicting Trump Amid Ex-POTUS’ Clownish Defense”, I would recognize who it was referring to.


because it’s fun and entertaining.
besides the fact that McConnell’s pants are wrapped around his ankles and he has been exposed as to what he is, completely.


One can hope.


I don’t think he can use it for his defense. That money went into a PAC, and I seriously doubt this would be an allowable PAC expense.
Doesn’t mean he won’t do it, though.


Republicans don’t like republics


That is the Truth. The fact that this affair is still using metaphors reminiscent of the 1950s and 1960s speaks more to us as Americans than Trump, the Arch Criminal.

Trump is a despotic gangster. We, on the other hand, have the means** to convict him.

*If we polled at 70+% dissatisfaction with the Trump defense, he would be Convicted


Hope does exist.

She said she thought prosecutors had targeted Mr. Manafort as a way to get dirt on Mr. Trump, and that she didn’t want Mr. Manafort to be guilty. Nonetheless, she voted to convict him because the evidence of his guilt “was overwhelming.”


Four Seasons Clown Car Legal Services PLC


Appearing ready to pay their price, reputable firms declined to represent him. As none of those with whom he met personally, would agree to retell the lie of widespread election fraud.


It’s called the “Susan Collins” gambit.


No. Msm has learned nothing.


Those Republican senators who actually do hate Trump, and there’s more of them than you think (this isn’t the House) have a prisoner’s dilemma collective action problem. They could save themselves if they agreed en masse to vote for impeachment. But the costs of sticking their neck out as individuals are way too high. Let’s hope that Republicans are having backroom discussions among themselves. Schumer needs to facilitate that they happen. There will be few if any acts of bravery, but I don’t totally rule out a jailbreak. I give it a 10 percent chance.


Don’t ever forget that McConnell had a chance to deal with Trump while Trump was still POTUS, McConnell chose a 2 week vacation to run out the clock while he was Majority Leader.
The Senators that didn’t watch the video need to all be shamed, repeatedly. How could any member of Congress show up for work at the still scarred Capitol and think that it was just a bunch of people blowing off steam. I seem to remember during various proceedings that are open to the public that members of the public were escorted out for causing a disturbance, by holding a sign up, or shouting. And yet when it comes to actual death threats and bodily harm, it’s not Trump’s fault that he incited them, asked them, encouraged them to storm the Capitol.


This is what I wrote to Rubio and Scott today:

“I hope you watched the entirety of the video yesterday at the opening of the trial. Clearly, that lynch mob was collected in DC by Trump, directed to attack the Capitol building by Trump (and others in Congress), and Trump failed to intercede during the attack. He should never again be allowed to run for public office, and he should be criminally prosecuted for a the many, many violations of the Constitution that he directed and personally acted on during his despicable 4 years in office. Convict him. Show some real patriotism.”


That’s a good read. Now, let’s embarrass the shit out of them.


Yes, that seems to be the lynch pin here, 15% of Republican voters who show up for the primaries get to decide how tone deaf the Republican politicians can be once elected.
I wonder if more states go they way of Maine with rank choice voting in the general will primaries fall by the wayside?


Or put him in a plexiglass cone of silence. You know similar to those boxes in other countries court proceedings?

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Yeah but she’s wasn’t in politics, her job security and fund raising wasn’t on the line.