Report: McCarthy Worried About Having To Testify On Trump Call In Front Of Potential 1/6 Commission

You are absolutely correct. This was made public record in a Congressional hearing in February, and the witness was a Republican Congresswoman:

This is the statement of Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler February 12th, 2021.

"In my January 12th statement in support of the article of impeachment, I referenced a conversation House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy relayed to me that he’d had with President Trump while the January 6th attack was ongoing. Here are the details.

When McCarthy finally reached the president on January 6th and asked him to publicly and forcefully call off the riot, the president initially repeated the falsehood that it was Antifa that had breached the Capitol. McCarthy refuted that and told the president that these were Trump supporters. That’s when, according to McCarthy, the president said well Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are."


“I’m not worried about testifying before a 1/6 Commission. I’m just doing everything I can to keep that Commission from being formed or having any subpoena or other power.”

“As for testifying in a Justice Department investigation … well, that’s why Matt Gaetz is still on the Judiciary Committee - to keep that kind of investigation from happening”

“So, yeah … I’m scared shitless. Because neither of us really knows what we’re doing. Total incompetents. How do you think we got here?”


Ah. “Relayed to me” is the magic ticket to “I don’t recall”, but it still puts McCarthy into “he fell out of a window” territory.


Elections have consequences. That’s what Republicans used to say, anyway.


“My blue suit is my blue suit.”


“My conversations with the President are my conversations with the President,” McCarthy told Fox News last week.

Minor detail…if your conversations with the President include discussion of his seditious behavior that led to the deaths of Americans and the breech of the Capitol,lack of coherent response and support for that activity…it is reasonable to ask for a recap under oath…whatcha got to lose? :grin:


IANAL - Can the Dems simply call McCarthy’s bluff and say “You’re right, Kev. A 1/6 commission is not the right forum. After the DOJ has flipped all the low-level planners/operatives of the insurrection, you can talk to Merrick’s folks under oath.”


The bipartisan 9/11 Commission was created by Congress, but did not include sitting members of Congress. Why can’t the Dems just pass the thing through reconciliation since the commission will need a budget and designate GOPers who everyone knows arent crazy Trumpers? I’m sure the bill would get a handful of GOPers in the House and Senate who’d support it. I can name several Republicans who’d be be more than fair on such a commission.


I bet he IS worried…it’s one thing to run to FOX or a sympathetic group of rabid Republicans and INSIST DAMMIT that Donnie didn’t do anything wrong and it’s all those ‘socialist Democrats’ that are whining about a silly ‘protest’ and quite another to tell the TRUTH in front of a commission. Especially a truth that is so easy to discern.



Over the course of two impeachments and countless other committee hearings before Congress and various commissions countless people have perjured themselves, to no detriment or penalty. I doubt many people sweat the scythe of justice hanging over their heads for committing perjury. Hire a fancy lawyer, display contrition, and file amended testimony. It all goes away.


Not sure why he is worried. He can simply lie like any good Republican would


What are the three most terrifying words to a Republican?
“Testify under oath.”


A congressional commission is the least of his worries.

He’ll be testifying in court, under oath, in more than one upcoming trial.

Both civil and criminal.

Buckle-up buttercup.


See above.

McCarthy is, in her words, “very concerned”

I can think of someone who can help him with that. All he has to do is furrow his brow a bit more. He’s almost there.



How soon were there hearings on Benghazi after it happened?


They WANT more Trumps and the current one if he can stay out of prison or a mental ward. This is their " pursuit of happiness…’


Funny…just a thought…being honest and working with honest people…this sort of dilemma doesn’t com up.


He can’t duck this. That conversation shows Trump was in favor of the insurrection and was unwilling to intervene to stop it.