Communications aides for the Health Department have sought to review and makes changes to the CDC’s weekly scientific reports charting the coronavirus pandemic.
Public health officials have been aware since what, March?
These guys have been living in the bubble so long, they’ve forgotten that their warped view of reality is only shared by 1/5 Americans and almost no one else around the world.
Caputo should consider the consequences of aiding and abetting the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans. There will be no safe place for these people after Trump is out of office and every family that goes through this pain is one more chance that one of them will want their loved ones avenged.
But the end result of the tampering, according to my daughter, is that MMWR, which was “the gold standard“ for morbid/mortality statistics, is no longer trusted by the professional public health community and instead approached with a jaundiced eye.
Sounds straight out of the old Soviet Union, having the Party Political Officer have the final look and edit of any information coming from any agency.
Makes me despair for the country that there’s still a decent chance DT could get re-elected. In a more sane populace he’d be down 70-30 in the polls or worse. Plus the electoral college now amounts to about a 3-point handicap in favor of the GOP–and that’s before you even factor in all of the voter suppression in numerous red states.
No safe place? Are you sure? They live in gilded, gated communities, where they are protected by the white supremacists in the police police and FBI (like the ones who leak to Giuliani) . Unless Dems. are taking names and keeping a list and plan on putting these folks on trial in D.C., they will get off Scott free and be just fine.
I saw a story about an interview on MSNBC of an ex-federal prosecutor who said Trump should be prosecuted for 2d degree murder for lying about COVID and letting us die.