White House COVID-19 response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx reportedly told Vice President Mike Pence recently that Dr. Scott Atlas, who peddles anti-science talking points about the virus that bolster President Donald Trump’s attempts at PR amid his botched handling of the pandemic, needs to go.
Dr. Birx is hoping to salvage her reputation by leaking this. I don’t think it’ll work. Fauci has done a better job separating himself early from the mounds of shit surrounding Trump’s.
I can’t recall. Did anyone in the employ of the Federal government ever publicly state Trump’s suggestions were not feasible and almost certainly dangerous and not to be attempted, on the record?
We can all criticize her pusillanimity up till now. And it was late in the game. But the fact that she confronted the vice president of the United States (who probably DOES have a future (as he is enough of an unprincipled chameleon to separate himself from Trump if Trump goes down hard, and the Bible bangers will dutifully prop him up), shows at least some intelligence, even if a tardiness in courage.
Hey, I’ll take good news wherever I can get it these days.
Trump is a mean, vengeful man. Turning on him carries risks, particularly if one does not have 1,001 lawyers. Trump has always had a “going-after list”
The next two weeks may be interesting.
Postscript on Birx and people like her. Cowards like Birx are better indicators of trouble in the Trump Mob (and similar organizations). They only get out of the foxhole when the enemy is weak or running.
The courageous folks simply say, “this is wrong”. They sometimes die for their efforts. That’s why people give medals for that.
As Josh Marshall observed last week, the rats are fleeing the sinking ship. One after another, they try to separate themselves from the person they’ve been enabling for years. Suddenly! they see the light.
Yeah, sure.
It’s nice that all these folks are starting to throw a little shade on the Wreck of the SS Trump, but they could have done so much more, had they not waited until a month into early voting.