Former Obama Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland, whom Republicans brazenly blocked at every turn, is being considered for attorney general in the incoming Biden administration, NPR reported on Friday.
He’s actually a moderate sort of judge from what I recall. Not some “flaming liberal” as Republicans would love everyone to believe. That’s why the Pukes were OK with voting him onto the DC Court of Appeals by such a wide margin, 76-23. Of course that was 1997, aeons ago in the life of an aging pucker-faced turtle. It was only when Obama wanted to elevate him to SCOTUS that they somehow manage to forget all that because…reasons.
Rather see a career prosecutor in the job, but Merrick Garland is as good a non-prosecutor as you’ll find. The AG will have lots and lots of prosecutors working for him/her. And he does have prosecutorial experience.
Let’s see if McTurtle tries to pretend he can deny Garland another confirmation hearing for yet another job. What bullshit will he come up with this time?