Days after the Jan. 6 committee began receiving records from the National Archives following the Supreme Court’s rejection of former President Trump’s effort to bar the release of documents, some details have reportedly started to emerge regarding documents from Trump’s White House that the panel has received thus far.
Has someone started a Gofund me page with the expressed purpose of purchasing two boxcar loads of extra large depends for the TFG. It should be enough for a couple of days. /s/
I’ve given up on keeping an over/under for the number of Trump-adjacent lawyers who will be disbarred. Without trying to recreate the list I’d made and misplaced, I’d say it 's over 20 now, with more being sanctioned in some less life-shattering way. Eastman is right up there at the top, along with Rudy and Sidney. And Ken Paxton. Let’s not forget him, if covid spares him.
I am satisfied at this early point that it’s a shitty time to be trump.
May he suffer,…bigly
An 8 to 1 decision against his weak legal arguments.
He’s weak and he lost. The two things he hates the most. Being seen as weak and losing.
No amount of spin from Tucker or Hannity can change that he lost 8-1 and made a weak legal case. Weak and he lost
["Politico noted that the immediacy of the four notable documents signal that the committee will soon receive a wide variety of documents, some of which the panel could obtain on a daily basis.
They probably have, but these are big files and are probably gobbling up bandwidth as it is…
And no matter how fast they arrive, it’s still gonna take some time to properly read, sort and categorize all the crimes therein contained. We’ve become way too expectant of instant gratification.
Does any one know whether or not the documents are paper or pdf/jpeg files? It seems plausible that they have been scanned and a handful of external hard drives would make delivery a one person tasks.
I’m gonna speculate that the four docs described here were from the tranche that was not included in the case that went to SCOTUS. They were released a day or two earlier than the others which started going out yesterday.
The dam release has begun … but it is still a serious question as to whether the vast majority will open their eyes and truly grasp the reality that Trump was attempting a total takeover - one that was meant to end up with the son of a bitch in total control as Supreme dictator…absolute total control… yes, Trump wanted to be king … and the MAGAs wanted to install him.
That’s a normal process for WH communications – in this case, probably in the form of Word documents and/or texts circulated to be sent on for Hair Twittler to copy & paste into his Twitter feed.