Rep. Rick Allen Shared ‘Wild’ Romanian YouTube Conspiracy Theories As He Challenged The 2020 Election

Rep. Rick Allen (R-GA) is not one of the better-known figures in the extended universe of former President Trump’s political allies. However, based on text messages obtained by TPM, Allen is one of the members of Congress who worked most aggressively behind the scenes to reverse Trump’s loss in the 2020 election. Allen’s attempts to challenge the vote included passing unproven YouTube conspiracy videos from Romania to the White House and pressuring Georgia’s secretary of state. At least one of the paranoid election theories Allen texted to Meadows made its way directly to Trump.  

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Of course he did. The game is “say anything and have our hand-picked FedSoC judicial moles credit it, no matter how batshit and unsupported/able it is.”


Wake me when just one of these fucks gets hard time.


Not sure what’s funnier – that Allen actually tried to get TFG to accept Jesus as part of overthrowing the election, or the idea of “data breeches.”

Pictured: Actual Rick Allen wearing a pair of data breeches


The thing that really jumps out at me from these texts is that Republicans are stupid and highly gullible. It’s frightening that they keep getting actual power.


This is far worse than most of us thought, going into the 2020 election. This is not commonly associated with advanced nations with Democratic norms and values.


To all those blame Murca first commies who think this is wrong, I have just 2 words for you:

Hunter Biden’s Laptop!


Who said we were an advanced nation? Country, yes, but nation, puhleeze! A majority of Americans are functional morons.


What I heard during my prayers is the Trump family and the Administration need to be surrounded by those great Pastors and Evangelicals who have snd continue to love and support them. President Trump need to be ministered to, he needs the love that only Jesus Christ offers! This is his opportunity to confess that he can no longer fight this battle alone, he must give it to Christ and Gid almighty will show him the way to victory.”

Pro Tip: If you hear voices in your head while praying, you need an MRI brain scan immediately.

(PS: Say “hi” to Gid.)


The source that is feeding my source

“A friend of a friend told me…”

And I’m betting his source was that hoaxer “Spyder” Merritt, who also Sydney Powell’s “secret witness.” The one who claimed to be a military intelligence expert, but in reality had washed out of every military training course and was actually a truck mechanic.

ETA: Sorry, @kovie; wasn’t intended to be a response to your comment.


So this is how religious mania spreads?
JFC, every win is by God’s hand, and losing is because of


I am actually Giddy with knowledge that Smith is on the Case.


“This is wild stuff.” Well, at least he got that part right.

I wish I’d invested in tinfoil in mid-2020.


Some Romanian Bitch confirmed that there is wide spread fraud in multiple states! Let me know a good time to talk, thanks!


Like so many other GQPers in this scheming, Rick Allen uses all of the tropes of a true neoFascist traitor trying to get his neoConfederate Way: extreme paranoia, god, enemies, spiritual war, Trump as Savior sent to redeem, anti-Constitutional means to an end, unnamed sources, foreign actors, malfeasance by Dems (who lost in his rural arenas, of course), ad nauseum.

We hope the rational voters in Georgia consign him soon to the ashbin of history. Make him Dogcatcher or Head of Garbage Pickup for DogSpit County.


Who needs hard evidence when is sounds “wild”.
I am wondering if the same technique could be used to get trump convicted and stuck in a damn cell.
… … … … … … …
From the article…
“Allen’s evidence was simply a pair of links. The first was a news story describing a data breach that occurred with driver’s license records in Georgia in 2005. Allen’s second “wild” link was a YouTube video from a Romanian organization. In that clip, an anti-vaccine activist interviewed a man who claimed to be an ex-intelligence operative. Without providing any hard evidence, the man said identities of “50 million” U.S. citizens were stolen via Ukraine in 2009 and 2018 to be used for voting in the 2020 election as part of a “$100 billion” plot involving illegal immigrants, blackmail and Romanian officials.”


Gid almighty indeed.
I try very hard to respect the beliefs of my christian brothers and sisters.
But jesus f-ing christ on a stick, this nonsense is pure brain rot.


Gid answers all prayers. Sometimes the answer is, “No.”



Allen and his deluded evangelical based fascism and aspersions to “holy war” would be laughable if these asylum-worthy beliefs weren’t held by so many white people.


And sometimes the answer is are you fucking kidding me?
I’m with @unabogie - how in the world do people with these kind of mental challenges keep getting elected to high positions?