Records Show Nearly 900 Secret Service Employees Got COVID During Trump Admin | Talking Points Memo

Numbers do not lie - unlike that orange asshole.

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Any left???

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Send Typhoid Trump to Guantanamo and house him with the “terrorists.”

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When your job is to make sure the cult leader’s ego isn’t bruised, don’t be surprised if a little Kool-Aid gets splashed on your dress shirt.


I looked at the document and it had the same dates.

That’s very handwavy to assume a factor of two undercount in the genpop infection rate. There’s also the fact that the SS would have been among the very first to get vaccinated, and I doubt it was optional.

It would be nice to see a count by month of SS infections, but the request didn’t ask for that so they didn’t give any dates, just a list of infections with a job group abbreviation.


Look again, top of page 2.

Went back and looked and not the same one that was there a short time ago. Anyway, this is rather a big typo IMO.


I would also like to see disability and death counts, and employee turnover numbers, but that’s probably REDACTED–NATIONAL SECURITY.


You’re right. Way undercounting. CDC estimated 114 million cases, or just over 1/3rd of the poulation.

Which makes the SS data even more compelling that they got through it well under the average population out there.

(Date format looks off, but it’s from May 19th, 2021 if you click through)

Your link doesn’t work. But I’m not buying 114 mil infected, or we’d be hearing that mentioned in discussions of population immunity (50% vaxed plus up to 30% with post-infection resistance).

or … as Trump saw them …



Do we know any of this for sure?

I’ll buy the secret service in and around the white house getting tested every day. So was everyone else in the WH.

I will assume getting vaccinated was a condition of further employment. Unvaccinated SS would be a threat to the president.


It works, just clicked it again. But don’t believe me, just google it, like “estimated number of covid cases in us” and select the one from CDC or another of your choice.

No, because it’s not an addition. It’s an unknown overlap between people who have been infected and vaccinated, and since most cases were never confirmed, no way to know what the remaining population of unvaccinated individuals reflects, whether they are previously infected or not.

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It wasn’t. Even DoD hasn’t made it a requirement yet.


Which is why I said “up to 30%”.

And if tRump™ wasn’t all that enthusiastic about testing the American people I can’t imagine he’d want anyone to know about Covid outbreaks in the Secret Service.


“Even” DoD is a special case, with less stringent requirements than the SS around the president. And the DoD is colored by their having pushed a dangerous vaccine (I forget which one) onto their soldiers about 20 years ago, the backlash from which resulted in the current situation where any DoD vaccination is voluntary.

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Anyone coming to the WH was getting tested daily. Trump only wanted less testing for everyone else, when it was his ass at risk, wanted full protection.

Granted, any of the SS not working the WH he wouldn’t have cared less about them.

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