Really? Wouldn’t bet the farm on that one. Maybe not the direct firing for being pregnant, sure, but there are lots of ways to discriminate and never even hire women of a certain age that employers suspect may be out the door for a pregnancy in the near-term.
Will Mitch resign now, seeing as he was told about it before the 2016 election?
At my current client (and yes, anecdotal), it looks like a bloody maternity ward among the sales and office staff. I don’t hear much about firings or dismissals due to pregnancy anymore. And I’m pretty sure that younger women (those of childbearing age) are not seeing that happen. Don’t know any just now, in any case.
Yeah that used to happen. I worked with a judge who started out as a clerk of a court cause that’s all they’d let her do at first.
Effective Thugs-R-Us strategy
= Deny, Distract, Deflect, Discredit and DELAY…
and so Russiagate has been Mueller’d!
Who cares huh…
No consequence = rinse and repeat:
Russiagate 2.0 = Ukrainegate et al
Dems…make sure the Impeachment Inquiry will NOT be Mueller’d!
My female co-workers (attorneys) are 20 years younger than me, and they have no idea how things have changed. When I was there age, most women attorneys did not have children and were single. We were told to dress conservatively and watch what we said and did. Now, most of the younger female attorneys have children and are trying to find work life balance.
There is a female judge that I really respect and she’s a great role model. She’s about 10 years older than me and she told me that the law was her second career because when she went to school, there were two career options for women: (1) education and (2) nursing. Her initial career was as a nurse.
Why? As if this means anything to them . . .
I am desperate for some momentum on this!!! For F—KS SAKE!!!
My thought exactly.
This report being released on the same day Graham invites Rudy to testify about how Russia had nothing to do with interference in 2016 is a perfect example of the cognitive dissonance pervading the Republican Party these days.
she forgot prostitute…although a degree isn’t mandatory
I don’t believe that Biden got his kid a job with the corrupt oil firm that the west wanted investigated.
Not that it does him any good now that the right wing smear machine has amplified it.
We’ve all probably embellished or spun something in our lives, it’s a human characteristic. But we must remember that there are lots of sub-humans running around out there too!
And not a single one of them has a conscience.
Speak for yourself. I’ve certainly never embellished a detail of my life, ever.
Now excuse me while I go dust my Nobel plaques.
This is silly. The GOP are going to do this to any candidate at all, twisting ambiguous “facts” to gin up fake outrage. They’re doing it to Biden and of course they’ll do it to Warren. They’d do it to Jesus Christ, that known associate of fallen women. Getting stressed out about it is unproductive and plays right into their media-manipulating hands. The source of this info is the Washington Free Beacon, a rightwing rag run by a acolyte of Rich Lowry and son-in-law of Bill Kristol.
If Trump is an illegitimate president, does that mean his Supreme Court picks are also illegitimate? Serious question, can the picks be invalidated by an actual investigation of the 2016 election interference and the Trump Org’s treason? Like John Lewis said in December of 2016, after which we didn’t hear a peep from him for months, Donald Trump is not a legitimate president.
I have quickly scanned through the document. Did they conclude an actual results from the intervention? Or carefully scurried away from that.
I can also see the Executive setting up that committee suggest late in the document and heading it with outside expertise. I am sure it will be a shoo in for Brad Parscale.
When will the Senate tell us where the sun rises and sets?
(I snark, but this sort of thing is important on some level. It is basically an official announcement from a Republican controlled source if something that is so very obvious.)
These fine gentlemen (using the term as loosely as I can strain to use it), are of an age that they were the ancestors who went to war against the Soviet bloc. There really is zero excuse.
Optimism is difficult to come by these days.
What’s your point? Your point only matters if you, for some reason, think I’m arguing that we should go with some other candidate as a result. I’m not. I’m merely observing that, by my assessment, this damages her with voters we need to pull back towards us and stacks on top of the problem with those voters in the first place in terms of their misogyny etc. Period. Nothing further. People are reading too much into the observation.
As to getting stressed out, the only thing stressful is that people get so goddamn fucking defensive over someone posting an objective observation. If you don’t want to keep tabs on what the enemy is doing and try to understand it and how it might effect things or want to play games convincing yourselves that it’s all so easily dismissed with a few claims of bias and an intellectual thought or two…completely disregarding that vast areas of this country are devoid of people capable of an intellectual thought or two…then ignore my posts.
“Mounting questions,” huh? Wonder who’s doing all this “mounting.”