Indeed. To be fair, I’m not saying I don’t believe her over whatever other nonsense is getting said. I’m assessing what I think others are likely to believe given the problematic facts. That requires putting down the desire to intellectualize it and at least ATTEMPT to think about it like the vast majority of angry morons out there, especially the white ones with dicks.
The strategy against Warren is going to entail (among other things) painting her as a constant, unrepentent, self-promotional liar…particularly in the employment context, which is what a POTUS campaign is…in order to neutralize Trump’s demonstrable lying with false equivalence and an unrelenting drumbeat of “Dems and their double standards and hypocrisy.” False equivalence ALWAYS favors the liar.
I don’t know that it does… but even if it did, this is a nothing burger.
Remember when Joe Biden mangled details of a story about pinning a medal on a soldier? Fox News was all over that when it happened years ago! Wait, getting word that that was last month…
Indeed. No administrator, even back then, is going to put in writing that, “yes, we openly discriminated against a pregnant woman and asked for her resignation.”
They’re going to come after Warren, of course. But this is a survivable “scandal,” and if it is a preview of the best they have against her, they’re probably in trouble.
Senate Intel Concludes Russia Intervened In 2016 To Boost Trump | Talking Points Memo
Trumps is going to have a conniption about this as it blemishes his “Great Victory”. But in reality is pretty lame. Much more useful would be if they had gone to the bottom of the hacking of the DNC server and the coordination between Wikileaks and the Trump campaing.
Happened all the time back then. That she resigned is no guarantee that she wasn’t ‘allowed’ to resign, standard practice when firing someone for specious reasons. In 1983 I tried to come back from maternity leave, Oregon law said they had to rehire me; they played the loophole of no currently appropriate openings.