A judge shut down a bid last week from GOP provocateur Roger Stone for a retrial, only revealing the convicted Trump ally’s Feb. 5 request in a public order on Wednesday.
Stone moved for a new trial under seal last week, purportedly claiming that the jury pool in the case had been tainted by publicity.
Perhaps the Judge would have been more receptive had Stone been a little more honest with his reason: The jury pool in the case had been tainted, not by publicity, but by proximity… to Stone.
We’re about to find out exactly how far he can go to make her life miserable, and how effective the restraints will be that prevent that kind of thing from happening.
Well, she’s still a federal judge, and federal judges still have a fair degree of influence over defendants, last I heard, and they tend to resist efforts to immiserate them.
Doesn’t matter to him. He always has the option of publicly calling for any crazy out there to do whatever harm they can to whomever he is pissed at in that moment.
It makes things a lot easier for the chickenshit who only likes to say “You’re fired” in TV game shows but never has the nerve to look someone in the eye and tell them they are and why. He’s only fired people by tweet, by surrogates, or by spouting off to cameras so that the mobsters in and outside his circle know what they are supposed to do.
That might be all they need to know. If he’s “the government” now, then it works whatever way he tells them it does. The fact that we have a couple hundred years of documents and precedence that say things are different doesn’t seem to matter to him or them.