READ: House Sues To Enforce McGahn Subpoena For Testimony, Docs | Talking Points Memo

And someday the “judge in the Pence case”. Tifecta.


If you prefer the terminology “summer clerks,” I’m fine with it. I am also well aware of who summer clerks are and the kinds of things they get tasked with by the actual lawyers they are temporarily working for.


Its a purely hypothetical question, IMO.

Because its extremely doubtful that a Senate vote to remove him from office will ever happen.

But, for hypothetical sake, if it did happen, Trump will only resign if an ironclad deal is put in place to grant him and his offspring, complete pardons and complete financial immunity…both from Federal and State prosecutions.


Agreed. Trump will never resign and I can’t imagine him gracefully leaving either. He will trash everyone and everything possible.


Unless he croaks first.

He needs to stay in Office to stay out of jail. Unless he somehow gets a Pardon, it’s almost binary.


I’ve waffled back and forth on this concept.

On the one hand - he’s a petty egotistical man-child who will stomp his feet and deny anyone anything he thinks he can, just to feel ‘bigger’. So I can see him grabbing his justice department by the balls and saying ‘NO! NO TO ANYONE AND ANYTHING ANYTIME! NO NO NO NO NO!’ Out of pure spite and malice. Raw unbridled egotism.

On the other hand - yeah… thirty years of grifting and illegal ill-gotten gains. He sold his soul to Putin - and is terrified by getting caught out. But the only safety he has - is dragging the entire party along with him. He’s not smart enough to structure that. Putin… is. And I see the turtle’s hand in this as well. I don’t understand his reluctance to release his taxes. If it was full of ‘illegal’ activity - wouldn’t that have been sussed out by now? If it’s just embarrassing details around his paltry ‘wealth’ - then that could be glossed over by FOX as ‘smart tax dodging’. So why so worried? That puzzles me. Unless the taxes are the loose thread - that would unravel the Russian connection.

Keep pulling.


Zaphod Trump might say that, but the reality is that his ego is such a fragile, flickering candle, he has to do everything he can to protect it from being snuffed out by the slightest breath of wind.


Who else would have written the following?

The day before McGahn’s required appearance before the Judiciary Committee pursuant to the subpoena at issue in this litigation, the President purported to direct McGahn not to appear, claiming that McGahn is “absolutely immune” from compelled testimony.


I listened to Strzok’s lead attorney, Aitan Goelman, on the Two Lawyers Walk Into a Bar podcast, and he’s a guy who loves going to trial. He was lamenting that there are not really that many opportunities for it. He’s also a real believer in the importance of principled public service, so I think he and Strzok are definitely not just looking for a monetary settlement.


Sure. Also, Lily Hsu has been a law clerk at the OGC since May 2018, but whatever. Seven members of the Bar signed off on their work product.

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Oh, like his hairstyle?

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I never suggested otherwise. And they went out of their way to give them credit, which will look good on their resumes whether they go into government service or private practice.


Yeah, his hair is to his ego, as Dorian Grey’s portrait is to Dorian’s soul.

Does he want a public apology from Trump’s henchman? from Trump?
He deserves it. They ruined the life of a valuable agent.

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I don’t view either matter as a pleading problem. The House resolution would only be relevant if McGahn and/or Trump pleaded in response that the committee was acting without authority from the rest of the House, which they are highly unlikely to claim because they know it isn’t true.

As to the “executive privilege” relief, they can’t ask the court to overrule a claim of privilege that hasn’t been asserted yet. What the pleading asks for instead is to make McGahn testify, period, rather than claiming he can’t testify because the White House might want to claim privilege. Multiple witnesses have used that b.s. strategy to avoid testifying, and this is aimed at cutting it off at the knees.


I am trying to imagine the list of excuses offered by prominent Americans and world leaders unwilling to stand around at a funeral for this Current Occupant clown holding back their laughter: Starting with Obama - “Sorry, renewing my Kenyan passport that day.”
George W - “This wood won’t chop itself.”
Hillary - “Server down, didn’t see the e-mail.”
Michelle Obama - “Book Tour!”


Jimmy Carter - “I have no fucks left to give…And a Habitat for Humanity house to build.”


Now it’s up to the courts to decide whether congress really has legitimate oversight powers and responsibilities. If they deny this request, they’ll open the door to the ruling being used against them someday. And it will. We’re at a Marbury v. Madison type of moment.

Btw each day I check 538 to see where Trump’s A/D numbers stand, and they’ve been inching downward since the shootings. It’s still a blip, but I’m hoping that it starts a long slow slide where he dips into the 30’s again and never comes back.


Interns with Office of General Counsel.

Who are a credit for “our side”.

Who are at the beginning of long careers possibly in other public service roles.


Cc @leftcoaster @rob_beatty_walters @longriver @cervantes