Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg isn’t here to take down her conservative colleagues.
During an event hosted by Duke Law Wednesday in Washington, D.C., Ginsburg had nothing but nice things to say about the more conservative Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch.
One wonders if the CONServative Corporate Gorsuch and the Accused Sexual Assaulter Kavanaugh would return the favor!
Truth be told, how can a judge let alone a nominee to the SC, NOT want to have a full FBI investigation to clear his name, when asked more than a dozen times in his confirmation hearings? This classic NOT wanting an investigation is a trumpian move and does NOT show “I’m innocent”!
An innocent man would welcome a thorough investigation to clear his name and NOT throw a hissy fit and vow revenge to get a job!
RBG…hand it to us progressive/liberals to always look for the good in people. That’s a problem that people on the npd/Reich wing side of the political spectrum don’t have…
I’m not going to question RBG’s skills as an SC justice. But Gorsuch is a hack and Kavanaugh is a slime. Does she really believe that the man is a drunk sex offender?
And the court is already partisan. On one side are people like her who think they’re supposed to uphold the constitution and frequently issue rulings at odds with their personal and political beliefs. The other side is a bunch of hacks. (OK, Roberts is fairly intellectually qualified, and his agenda is more Mitch McConnell than Steven Miller. The rest of them are all compromised. OK, I’m more sympathetic to Thomas because he’s married to his psycho wife, which explains a lot of his behaviors.
If you scroll through here you’ll see the voting record of SCOTUS and you’ll see RBG had occasionally voted with Gorsuch and/or Kav. What does it mean? Damned if I know but she has a different view from where she sits than we do.
It means that she is smart enough to know that it doesn’t serve her well to make public enemies of other justices that she may need to persuade on issues before the court.
I’m clearly late to the party here, as several other snark-meisters have beat me to the…um, sweet spot. Put more elegantly by @thunderclapnewmansupra .