Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said on Wednesday night that President Biden’s inaugural address contained “thinly-veiled innuendo” that targeted Republicans as “liars” and “white supremacists.”
“If you read his speech and listen to it carefully, much of it is thinly-veiled innuendo calling us white supremacists, calling us racist, calling us every name in the book. Calling us people who don’t tell the truth,” Paul told Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade in an interview late Wednesday.
Republicans: it’s projection 24/7 – accuse others of acting as you do – and, in the case of the Pauls (Rand and Ron), also reflecting their own reality well; i.e., they are confirmed racists.
Then there’s Ron Paul. Not only does he go the whole nine yards on free minds-free markets – he also denounces our foreign adventures economic and martial. He hates the Fed. He’ll let you have raw milk. Freedom!
And he has a kinda-sorta gay rights record that both bigots and Dan Savage can be comfortable with -- he'd leave it to the states, just like abortion and racial integration. This is where his libertarianism really comes in handy -- you can believe ...if motivated to do so, that his hatred of the State (but not the states) is so strong that it would actually protect gays, blacks, women, and everyone else even from his own ill will.
This is easier to believe if you forget that Paul is a Republican, operating comfortably within that party's framework for decades, and if you forget, or never knew, that libertarians are comfortable in that party for a reason. The right-wing fringe groups that attached to the GOP after World War II had their disagreements -- as with the National Review people and Ayn Rand -- but they also found plenty of common ground. ...
... because they all came out of the same Big Bang of hatred for the New Deal and its legacy: Big Government and the coalition that sustains it -- blacks, gays, unionized workers, women, et alia. Each conservative tribe has its own relationship to that legacy ...and many of them have learned that it would be more effective (and, these days, more popular) to strike at the state that enables that coalition than at the minorities themselves. -- roy edroso
So you are saying it was accurate, Senator? What’s wrong with you whiners? The other day someone yelled “traitor” in a group of 435 representatives and Lauren Boebert felt aggrieved.