Racial Inequality Helped Fuel This Crisis. Fixing It Will Help Get Us Out.

This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1304074

There has been racial inequality on this continent since the 1500s. It’s not getting fixed. Ever. Racism is tattooed onto the DNA of Caucasians. It’s indelible.

“Racial Inequality Helped Fuel Animus Created This Crisis. Fixing It Utterly Destroying White Christian Nationalism Will Help Get Us Out.”


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There was a glimmer of hope in the Post-WWII period, up through the sixties (MHO). And then came the backlash. And the total mutation of the Republican Party. The 2007-09 Great Recession has never ended for the lowest through middle earning workers.

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BTW, TPM. This is a great opinion article. I would love to see more like this CAFE piece, and the ProPublica articles. And, a whole lot fewer click bait stories, with totally stupid headlines.


Good luck there. Racial/ethnic inequality is a backbone of capitalism virtually everywhere, and is so fundamental to U.S. capitalism that it was baked into the Constitution by the “Founding Fathers.” The Democrats and Republicans have been and remain part and parcel of maintaining that system – look at Biden’s record or Hillary’s talk of “deplorables,” many of whom are black. Voting for them, or hoping that they will “do better,” or that “good people” will see the importance of the issue, is not going to change that. It’s both illusional and delusional.

I was around in the 50s and 60s, and there was pronounced racism everywhere, and I grew up north of the Mason-Dixon. They were not halcyon days of racial enlightenment.

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This was the period that accelerated the racial wealth gap through programs like the GI bill, which theoretically subsidized housing and education for returning veterans, but in practice, thanks to redlining and other systemic racist barriers, denied the benefits of stability and wealth accumulation to African Americans.

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I agree, and that’s why I called it a “glimmer of hope.” Ditto @tracerbullet
ETA: And I was only talking about economic opportunity, not lowering racism. Hate has never had much of a retreat.


I disagree with this statement.

Who is Angela Hanks?

I have been thinking a lot of about this exact thing recently. I’ve been reading about 400-1200 AD. The invaders of the isle of England had learned military techniques from battling the Huns to the east. When they turned westward they conquered, killed and enslaved. They crossed the Atlantic and continued. I am descended from a culture that uses slave labor for slash-and-burn agriculture. That’s really our claim to fame.

So due to selective breeding, has a population been created that is unable to do anything differently? And has that selectively bred population concentrated in certain regions? For example, why is Tennessee the Volunteer State? Because they’re descended from warriors, that why. It’s nothing for them to be ashamed of; I’m not knocking Volunteers. I am just wondering if a lot of white people in the US are genetically predispositioned to participate in large scale war roughly every 200 years.

It’s seems that it takes 4 generations to build up enough young men to need a good culling, so they cull. I don’t believe, or at least I question, whether they have the physical ability to do otherwise because of their/our genetic wiring.