Publishing House Bucks DeSantis And Offers Free Black Books to Florida Kids


Think that’s happened-- but The Mouse used back-channels to bitchslap Il Dunce.

I didn’t catch the name.

I checked NPR web site and could not find the interview.

The last group of seriously violent leftist domestic terrorists I’ve heard of would be the Earth Liberation front, and that was in the 80’s and 90’s. A couple of them actually blew themselves up.

OMG, its a profound relief to know that there are some responsible and principled businesses, particularly in the publishing and educational spheres, who are willing to work to short-circuit the the right-wing Repugs like De Satan in their effort to dumb down public education and cover-up our history of slavery, racism, and white hate-mongering.

God bless Haymarket Books, they exemplify the true spirit of American democracy.


If you can, send Haymarket a few bucks to support this effort.

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If Ron DeSantis and his antics enlarge the audience for one of Chicago’s greatest humans, Eve Ewing, that will be the most important contribution he made as an elected official. In case you all don’t know, Haymarket is named after events surrounding a peaceful rally for the 8-hour workday held in Haymarket Square in Chicago. Haymarket Books take their inspiration from " the Haymarket Martyrs, who gave their lives fighting for a better world." Go Haymarket!!

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Yes please, publishers! Many, many more stories like this one please!

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