Public Support For Abortion At One Of The Highest Levels Ever

If the recent wins in Ohio and Virginia weren’t enough evidence in addition to data from most elections since Roe‘s overturning that the Dobbs ruling has fired up the cross-party coalition supporting abortion access, there’s more.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

All I can say is Dah!

Support for access to the procedure was at an all time high among Democrats and Independents surveyed, with 77 percent of Democratic voters backing abortion for any reason. Back in 2016, only 52 percent of Democrats surveyed by the same group indicated as much. Additionally about one-third of Republicans back access to abortion for women who need it for any reason.

emphasis mine

Easier to see in graph form:

The last few years is the first time that ‘woman wants it for any reason’ has surpassed 50% support. Turns out that Republican women don’t want Republican men regulating their uterus’s. Who knew? :roll_eyes:


There’s such support for abortion rights and privileges except amongst our legislators and our courts. What chance do we have when we’re not electing or appointing folks that see things our way?


Pretty sure the 2022 and 2023 elections show we’ve been pretty successful at electing abortion rights politicians at all levels of government, except in ruby red states/districts.


I point out that Fifth Circuit, I think it is, is trying to make judicial decisions for more than just its population.

Why So Many Controversial Supreme Court Cases Come From the Fifth Circuit | Watch (

The Fifth Circuit’s new abortion decision about mifepristone is pure chaos - Vox

It’s not for lack of trying.


If the Fifth Circuit wants to keep making politically dumb decisions that will help Democrats keep winning election, let them. A Democratic President and Democratic Congress can pass laws making current and future abortion drugs legal via legislation rather than regulation.

Conservative activists keep handing loaded guns to conservative circuit courts who turn around and shoot Republicans in the back politically. I’m past the point of telling them to stop.


What’s that old saw about letting enemies make mistakes and not to interfere??


Truthfully, if I thought we could stop them right now, I would. Even though I think much (if not all) of Republican anti-choice policy of the past 50 years will get repealed eventually, many women are getting hurt in the meantime.

The problem is that there seems to be no way to convince them to stop shooting themselves in the foot repeatedly on abortion. Our only option is to beat them at the ballot box and restore full abortions rights to all women.


All the anti-abortion stuff is just a further reflection of the minority rule status of the United States legislatively. It doesn’t matter what the majority wants, because the imbalance in congress comes from the same place as the Electoral College. Low population, largely rural American actually has a disproportionately greater access to decision making and conservative legislators create legislative mechanisms that protect and accentuate that imbalance.

The net result is that we get poll after poll that says protect abortion rights, control guns, protect the environment along side poll after poll on elections that keeps minority rule. These apparently disparate outcomes are because pollsters are comparing apples and asshole.


Be nice to see support for Biden on an up swing like that


And how many of these brilliant poll answerers will turn right the fuck around and vote for the same people who took their rights away because they just can’t seem to tolerate voting for Democrats even though they can’t say exactly why with anything resembling a logical argument?


“The poll was run by NORC at the University of Chicago. It surveyed 1,163 people who are registered voters from Oct. 19-24.“

Seriously? This is a news-worthy poll? 1,163 voters?

This was my favorite. (Second thoughts on a felon?)


Samples larger than that don’t improve the statistical accuracy all that much. The danger is when you look at crosstabs with small sample sizes (e.g. looking at breakdowns by race or geographic areas) and draw sweeping conclusions.


Oddly enough, you don’t see the headlines saying “Majority of Trump Voters Considering Someone Else – Should He Step Down in Favor of Someone Electable?”

ETA Meanwhile, I think the change in minds among anti-choicers is a combination of
a) people who think that abortions are icky but don’t want to put women or doctors in jail, and
b) people who thought the leopards would take up residence in someone else’s uterus.

The a) subgroup is ultimately pro-choice, just hasn’t previous needed/wanted to admit it.


Sam Alito and the rest of the anti-abortion justices sure have united America. Nothing like taking an established right away from people to get their attention.


This is great. But just like in 1972 I fear the Democrats are kicking back and just enjoying the win. What they should be doing is pushing this newfound realization on the part of voters to push back hard against the fascism rising around us and to connect the dots between Democrats’ protection of basic rights into new areas, like Medicare For All, government investments in college education, ending Citizens United, protecting Social Security, ending the Electoral College and so on. But I fear they’re going to ass fuck this opportunity just like they ass fuck every opportunity. It’s a simple equation - now you see we’ve been telling the truth about the right and abortion all this time. But this isn’t the end of the fight it’s only the beginning. we’ve also been telling the truth about — everything. But they won’t because they’re useless. They’ll sit on their asses until the right somehow turns the tide and they’ll be scrambling yet again.

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“Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone?”