The leader of the Proud Boys pleaded guilty Monday to destruction of property after admitting months ago that he’d burned a historically Black church’s Black Lives Matter banner in Washington, D.C., the Justice Department announced.
Motherfucker has flipped and is singing like a bird. Just another snowflake, but I’ll bet all the OTHER snowflakes with whom he co-conspired are sweating…
That’s the tell, how you know he’s flipped; it translates as, “Don’t even think about backing up on your story, you little bitch, or we’ll reactive all those Jan 6 conspiracy charges you’re hoping to plea-bargain away.”
A small shoe drops…there’s going to be more, it’s obvious that DoJ is really focused on the ringleaders of what happened, and still working to make sure everyone else is caught and punished. Sure, the “tourist” insurrectionists, the ones who just wandered through without being violent or causing damage, are getting light sentences, but they are getting sentences, and odds are the DoJ is focusing on the real conspiracists who planned or acted out violence on Jan 6th.
And, that probably means we’ll see big charges and requests for long visits to prison…I wonder how that will go down with Trump and those who are claiming all of these people were flower children and completely innocent, and that all the injured officers are some weird coincidence.
“Against the wishes of my attorney I am here today to admit that I am the person responsible for the burning of this sign,” Tarrio wrote on Parler a few days after the incident.
These government agents provocateur sure seem to enjoy burning stuff.
In a lot of these situations, their racism is so calcified that they are damned proud of it. And people are criticized for calling them deplorable?? WTF??
He was apprehended for the banner burning in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 4, two days before the attack on Congress.
I bet the stunt with the banner was a deliberate pretext to justify his not participating in the actual insurrection. He knew shit would get bad, and there was a good chance it would fail and that the participants would be prosecuted.
After all, he had no reason to step forward to claim credit. And he probably had good reason to think that the penalty for burning a banner would be relatively minor, especially since he’s a white guy who would no doubt express remorse. And he could pay his legal expenses by fundraising from his paramilitary cosplayer club and MAGAs in general.
Burning a banner is basically the perfect crime: nobody actually gets hurt, and it looks good to the violent extremists he’s trying to fool.
100% agree. I actually think he’s been cooperating with the Feds since well before Jan 6 (yes, I know that contradicts my opening, above–but I’ll take either scenario!).
The banner burning took place last summer, during the DC BLM protests. That’s way too far in advance to make your theory plausible. Jan 4th was the day he was arrested for that charge. Now, you could claim that his inexplicable decision to be carrying two oversize magazines (unloaded) to DC on Jan 4th could be an organized pretext to deny him access to DC on Jan 6th, if they coordinated on arresting him Jan 4th. Without those magazines there was a good chance he’d quickly be out on bail.
Aw, come on! The guy’s not smart enough to figure that out on his own. The only way your scenario works is if the feds concocted it to keep his informant status cover from being blown.
It’s impossible to believe his arrest on January 4, for a banner theft and burning he engaged in over the summer was coincidental. Either the feds took him in to prevent him from participating in the protest that turned into an insurrection or to pump him for information regarding the Proud Boy’s plans for that day. Either way, I’m left wondering how much intelligence the feds had regarding 1/6, and why they weren’t more prepared to counteract what transpired on that day. Hopefully, the Select Committee will get to the bottom of it all.
My theory has (at least) one major hole in it: the actual crime occurred months before, not days before. I don’t know how I missed that detail. Thanks to @occamscoin for noting it.
I do still think it’s awfully convenient that the guy at the top managed to not be present when the crime went down. Striking similar to how Trump was also not actually present.
While I can’t “like” this. I can confirm the era. I did not go out with my buddies to drink on weekends. I was (am) a girl. We were too busy working our second jobs, or taking care of our children.