The Proud Boys, the right-wing street gang that just a few days ago staged a rally that fell far short of their own attendance estimates, has enjoyed a surge of attention thanks to President Donald Trump.
As a result of the shout out, many Proud Boys-oriented channels on the messaging app Telegram “have found an influx of 300 to 500 new users just in the past day.”
So many people misunderstood Trump’s comment!
I trust that he – or J. Hogan Gidley – will quickly set them straight.
Like Gillum said of DeSantis in their race …" Racists think he’s a racist"…or it matter not if Trump is or is not a racist. He’s cool with being thought to be one. “But he knows we are the good guys.” …nuff said.
How many of these newbies are Russians responding to Trump’s obvious callout to Putin to amp up the propaganda supporting, encouraging and riling white supremacist groups?
Never. He’s got enough dedicated followers to maybe break into the local 7-11. However, the owner will successfully scare them off with his shotgun, and two snickers bars will be the sum total of damage.