Protests In Trump Country Test His Hold In Rural White Areas

In the lake country 200 miles (320 kilometers) northwest of Detroit, hundreds danced, prayed and demanded racial justice in Cadillac, a Michigan town that was long home to a neo-Nazi group.

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Just like Vidor, Texas. They can run but they can’t hide - White Supremacists’ days are numbered.




Neo-Nazis love to show up armed when no one else is armed. How manly?
Also, they have never stated what they will do to Miller and Kushner when they take over.
When will they march on the White House and chant “Jews will not replace us”.


Good one.


When? The moment (Catholic and Democratic) Joe Biden takes up residence.


A very heartwarming movement. Yeah…this is a movement. And not foreseen by any pointy-headed talking head (or professor).


I’ll be encouraged only when those who frequent Cracker Barrel eateries bang their mugs on the table while chanting Bye Don 2020


Trump is in serious trouble…he was depending on race baiting to bring out whites who fear black people, and because of the protests the nation is turning against racism as a whole. Trump won’t have enough support for a racist agenda, and his open campaigning on racism will hurt him even more than his shoddy performance in office.

The campaign is only getting that now…they postponed their Juneteenth rally to the 20th because of the outcry, which they likely didn’t expect to be so large. They still got the dog whistle out to their supporters about it, but it’s only going to be harder for them to keep pulling that kind of stunt going forward. And, it’s a good thing…it’s going to force change, and it’s going to hurt Republicans in the election, just one more thing to take them down a notch and push them out of power.


You’re going to miss all the fun then.

No point in waiting around for the impossible and irrelevant.


In the end, no one will wuv Donnie anymo.


Not just Trump, in that it was Putin’s grand idea to use America’s racial divisions to split her apart at the seams to permanently weaken her. He ruthlessly exploited this through social media -with the complicity of the Trump campaign - in the 2016 elections successfully. It would make me so happy if he inadvertently ends up bringing Americans together, and that we can finally honestly discuss and deal with our original sin of racism.

Poor GRU. They must be saying, WTF is happening over there?


I’m going to forego the professorial lecture, but I’ll relate a story:

A kid (a freshman) came to my Office on a survival mission (to pass) and he figured he needed some help.

He was an African American kid and the twang in his accent betrayed somewhere in the Upper South. We quickly dispensed with what he needed w/r/t his grade (focus on the right chapters, concepts, etc.) and he had a few minutes to kill before his next class.

Just listening to him for that limited period of time made me almost kneel down and thank Martin Luther King…because the interactions of kids in the age cohorts after mine are far different…especially those born during and after the 1980s.

Shared experiences


I can tell you - Putin does not understand Americans - he just thinks he does.

He and Trump are operating on false premises about who we are.


Could not agree more.


Agreed. Trump is not an American and is in no way representative of who we are. And I hope that’s the message the Biden Administration will convey to the world.


Not only that:

They use emotions for their effect… they are not into feeling…light-bulb smile and all of that.

OT My favorite comic moment in the film Bridge of Spies was the grieving relatives in the East German’s office…who stopped grieving on command.


You are so right about Putin. President Putin provided tactical advice to his dickholster in the White House on the very day that the military was mobilized. That advice from Putin was the basis for the Republican Party’s “dominate the battle space” strategy to attack those protesting. Sleazy Trump-Organization-owned general Milley was happy to dust of his camo and bring the in the 82nd Airborne from Fort Bragg, North Carolina for the siege of Washington.


I don’t think that is a problem - the world has seen us hit the streets for George Floyd and Black Lives Matter.

Anything is possible now - who thought we’d see rural southern and midwestern towns turn out for BLM? They have.


The Antifa Warrior Brigade.
