Isn’t it usually the defense that makes this request? I think the prosecution doing it is just an attempt to say they’re avoiding even the appearance of any kind of overreach – which might work if the defendants’ mouthpieces had any grounding in fact.
As per karlwlewis: a similar process was quickly carried out on what was probably a much more voluminous cache of materials in the Cohen prosecution. This should be nothing more than a lone, overturned garbage can in the path of motivated prosecutors in hot pursuit.
It sounds like something in BDSM circles.
Facebook maintains ban on Trump.
But calls for “review”. Didn’t they just review it. Wasn’t this to be the final decision. He’ll be back.
Or so you’ve heard.
Is Hunter Biden available?
Holy shit, that is brilliant.
Prosecutors Request ‘Special Master’ To Sift Through Evidence Seized From Giuliani
“But, I already have my own dominatrix.”
Very clever fellows… Justice knows they have the goods, getting a independent “Special Master” to confirm those goods removes a whole lot of ability to scream about undue persecution.
The quasi-independent FB oversight board punted, saying FB was justified in pulling his account, but that it’s bad to keep him on indefinite ban status and should either be reinstated or banned permanently.
I think this was just theatrics to keep up the appearance of fairness. The decision to reinstate or permanently ban Trump will be up to Zuckerberg, like it always has been.
It is hard to copy some other persons work without getting confused as to which sections you have left out of the original article… Avoiding a claim of plagiarism is hard enough.
I guess it depends upon what Rudes was into.
That Propeller Head disc was played at my 50th bday party so it’s at least 22 years old.
My favorite song is “Back Off” which has a totally rockin’ 9/8 meter.
Great CD all around.
That would be some odd time indeed. Perhaps 9/8 ?
Thanks. Edited. Still early on the left coast.
It’s easy enough to make such a mistake when hastily preparing one’s own work. Let’s give Cabrera the benefit of the doubt here.
It charted in 1997, says Wikipedia.
If I must see another Rudy photo, I am grateful that in this one his mouth is closed.
Yes… I hope it wasn’t followed by a “wink, wink.”