Prosecutors Investigating Trump Organization Zero In On Trump CFO Allen Weisselberg | Talking Points Memo


'bout time.


Nothing like a little pressure from all sides.


The U.S. attorney’s office said it was still investigating the Trump Organization, pursuing additional targets. (A spokesperson for the SDNY declined to comment.) Vance agreed to put his investigation on hold.

I hope Vance has learned his lesson and won’t let the Feds interfere with HIS investigations anymore.


When all this is said and done and Trump is lock away somewhere, scholars are going to have to come up with time delineations, B.T.=before Trump, A.T.=after Trump, BAH=before Access Hollywood, and so forth.

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If we have to live through the most immoral, corrupt administration in history at least they’re also the least competent. Otherwise we’d already be in re-education camps by now.


I hope Vance has learned his lesson and won’t take bribes from the trumps any more.


The DOJ pleadings were co-signed by the SDNY. Privately, SDNY representatives, wary of appearing to do Trump’s bidding, insisted that their office’s role was limited, likening it to merely serving as local counsel.

Sovereign District of New York” my asteroids. Like all of the DOJ under “Roy Cohn” Barr they just wanted to protect the Sovereign.


“falsification of business records” leads inevitably to; TAX FRAUD.

and if he lied on his NY State Tax Forms, you KNOW he lied on his Federal Tax Forms too.

Remember, they got Al Capone on; Tax Evasion and he did hard time for it.


Weisselberg is the obvious nexus of all Trump chicanery and wrongdoing. Either he flips, or he goes away for life, worse than Cohen.


Vance has let the family get away before after a nice campaign contribution.


Ruh Roh!

It’s funny, I really was wondering just a few days ago what ever happened to Allen…

This should be fun!


I love the sound of the noose tightening in the evening.

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Sorry if I’m less optimistic than most commenters. Looks like DOJ and SDNY got together to successfully catch and kill this, Weisselberg has a decent double jeopardy defense or at least lots of evidence will have to be excluded because of the federal immunity (remember Ollie North?) and the statute of limitations is running out as planned. Seems like Barr by night cleans all the messes that Trump makes by day.


This guy is 72? Man, working for anything Trump ages you in dog years.

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So, who is playing Andy Garcia in our little real-life re-enactment?

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Was Barr’s foot on the scale?


Ya think?

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“Cohen’s team is promoting a new, albeit improbable, image for the man who once was proud to call himself Trump’s fixer: “the John Dean of his generation.””

So Michael Cohen, the fixer, the man who once bullied Trump’s adversaries, in comparison to Rudy and Lev Parnas, Igor Fruman, and (blessed by God?) Rick Perry, now looks like the most honorable of the bunch. The bar is now so very low.

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These are all fake smoke and mirrors investigations to protect the Trump Organization in perpetuity. You cannot trust the Department of Justice or the SDNY. They are all corrupt and crooked. Many at SDNY were hired by or worked for Rudy Giuliani.

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