Promoters of Election Lies Also Hyped a Hospital for Ukraine. That Never Happened Either.

Well since the political party that these two seem to side with were/are pro Russian…
Pretty sure if Zelensky needed a M * A * S * H style hospital one the NATO members could have airlifted one in.

Some people ain’t no damn good
You can’t trust 'em, you can’t love em
No good deed goes unpunished

Karma waits for the final slip


It has been said that Gantry was modeled on Billy Sunday, with a bit of Aimee Semple McPherson thrown in for good measure.

Charlatans waving Bibles have been around since Gutenberg.


I go for a walk every morning, rain or shine. It provides me a lot of time to think. I think about my family, or listen to a podcast discussing whom the Seattle Seahawks will draft this year. Other times I’m just listening to music.

Regardless of the circumstances of my walk one thought always comes up: “How can I get in on running a grift to fleece gullible conservatives out of their hard earned cash?” Frankly, I often silently berate myself because I’ve never taken the necessary steps to set up a website to get the scam started. It just seems so easy to make the money machine go “brrrrr.” That I haven’t done it yet feels like a greater failure of my character than actually committing the scam itself. Why should “conservatives” be the only ones who get rich off scamming conservatives. Wouldn’t it be more appropriate for liberals to be the ones running these grifts?


A likely donor to the scam.


I serve as president of the board of a local non-profit, where I give time to oversee how their budget is spent. One thing I’m really excited about is the establishment of a 100 Who Care chapter. The 100 Who Care pledge 100 bucks each, to the winner of an election we will hold each quarter. We each nominate local non-profits in categories and the top three nominees of each category are invited to pitch their organizations to us. We vote, and the winner gets $10,000.

I also decided to tip my servers $10 bucks extra instead of sending $10 to AOC, Amy McGrath or the dude who took a run at Majorly Traitor Greene. The only beneficiaries are the email campaigning consultants.
I highly recommend things like this over donating anything online to anyone or other. This way I have a say in how the money is used and I can talk with the people in question.

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Conservative Grifting is s modern way to write fiction for money. Big money.
The rubes are really really dumb and so ready to believe the lie that exalts.
As Twain said, “God must really love the ignorant; he clearly made so many of them.”


:nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:


We here should NEVER fail to thank those who chose to give us education


Most of our charitable contributions go to organizations that address the basics - food, clothing, shelter, and heat.


That seems a little limiting. I would say there were charlatans waving Bibles before that, it’s just that they would have mostly been scribed in Latin before Gutenberg.


I prefer the pre Gutenberg bibles for the graphics.


Well, it is the Year of the Rabbit.


OMG my eyes!

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OOOOOO! Was that necessary? Almost as bad as posting a picture of the fi. I feel ill.

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Obviously grifetrs and thieves. DOJ derp derp dee poo poo whaddya gonna do…

Maybe, maybe not. Surely it’s worth an investigation. The article does say they continued to solicit donations after they knew it wasn’t going to happen. My guess is it was never real, just another grift. But we’ll never know if because DOJ derp derp dee poo poo whaddya gonna do as is their wont.

“This seems squicky” is not a proper predicate for a criminal investigation. You need a complainant, and it’s doubtful anyone is complaining. The story does not even include any indication that there were any actual donors to their mobile hospital scam.


Funny how dishonesty and fraud go hand in hand, ain’t it? :slightly_smiling_face:

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