Democrats advocating to begin impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump see Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony this week as their last chance to add gas to the fire before the lengthy summer recess begins.
“Despite the rigorous preparation on both sides to curate the most damaging lines of questioning, Mueller has stated in no uncertain terms that he will not stray from the confines of his report.”
It bears repeating here that, even if–as is likely–Mueller does not reveal any new lines of questioning or culpability, there is roughly zero down-side to this testimony. Let’s don’t get our hopes up, and let’s remember that discussion of Trump obstruction and other culpability, front and center, is central to his defeat.
If they (Dems) ask the right questions and ask them the right way, they could make Wednesday a very bad day for Two Scoops. They can’t bungle it. Critical.
I wonder if Mueller and Barr and wives have resumed their weekend card games. If Mueller isn’t able to drop all the legalese BS and double negatives to speak openly to the American people about trump’s obvious obstruction of justice and his and his campaign’s collusion with Russian operatives, if not the Russian government itself, this will be a waste of time.
It’s the best and in some ways first opportunity to present this information accurately and in context. That’s kind of huge. But it’s not some sort of last chance. Every day Trump is president, there’s the possibility of some revolting action, some revelation that goes far beyond anything they could ever put a brave face on, and they’d have to cut him loose. It’s not likely, but oh boy is it possible.
There is plenty there in what he reported. A full, actual, Impeachment inquiry would get there eventually. At that point I suspect that Mueller would reveal more. He is the “Chain of Command”, process oriented type.
Yeah, but how far will the Dems let him go? Total destruction of the Union? Murder of one or more of the Squad? More dead children at the border?
Is there really enough time left to split hairs before where we go cannot be undone?
I would hope Nancy would be present for the hearings so she can understand with her own senses what Mueller is saying.
ETA: And with the question of the funding of the SCO, I agree the question needs to be asked and answered. It’s absolutely clear there was some funny business on Barr’s part and that needs to be clearly and cleanly exposed for it was: obstruction and interference.
I would object to using the adjective “moderate” to describe the anti-impeachment group. There is literally nothing “moderate” about deliberately avoiding the duty to enforce the law.
Look, once and for all, people have to stop waving away the very real danger of a successful impeachment and a failed removal boosting Trump’s support. It could very well rally people who are disappointed with and ashamed by him. You also have to stop what verges on magical thinking that the process will lower support for him in any substantial way and make removal certain or even possible. That is in no way guaranteed. And for fuck’s sake you have to stop assuming Nancy doesn’t understand how bad he is. Nancy understands how bad he is. The best and least dangerous way to remove him is to vote him out in 2020. I can provide evidence for that. Folks yelling “we must impeach now” don’t have the numbers on their side. Maybe at some point, but it’s not there now. Deal with it. Nothing personal but we have to be realists about this.
I actually believe that the Klown Kar of Gym Jordan, Mark Meadows, their sycophants and their coming derpy questions of Mueller will work in our favor.
Please understand I just want the hearings. I want the American voter to have what they’re not willing to work for. I know too many people who have checked out because this all makes them sad, so they are ignoring the whole thing.
Yesterday, I had the privilege of recounting the ‘send them back’ chant story to dear hubby. He hadn’t heard about it because he doesn’t listen to the news. The story resonated with him because he’s first generation German-American - his dad came over post- WWII and died 20 years ago. Dear hubby stated clearly, then they would send me back too.
There are too many people out there who don’t know how close they are coming to being affected by all of this. Far too many. And the incumbency is a powerful election factor - why change horses now? This information about this administration needs to get out there.
Again, I am not calling for impeachment and, no, it’s not a logical following from the hearings. Not logical at all - there’s no definitive link from A to B here. But without the hearings, the information doesn’t get out and the voter can’t be expected to understand something they know nothing about.
Talking about not noticing stuff: We haven’t had anything about it here and I hadn’t noticed anything elsewhere but there’s a huge scandal in Puerto Rico after the governor Ricardo Rossello was found to have vulgarly mocked hurricane victims and many other consituents out of what seems like sheer jerkwaditude. There are huge protests and calls for his resignation. Huge events happening of which I knew exactly nothing. So yes, there are too many who don’t know.