Prison Bars Haven’t Kept Manafort And Giuliani Apart

trump: “Hey Rudy, take over for Paul” …" Rudy: “Sure, I’m stupid and vain enough!”


Doesn’t this answer the “Why?” Piece Josh wrote a couple of days ago? Manafort was the heart of the Russia stuff, with the distribution of the polling data to the Russians he got Trump the presidency and he’s been a good capo and kept his mouth shut.

If Trump pardons him it might be bad for the re-election and he would be in a position to have to testify. If somehow the charges (the Federal ones anyway) can be put into question or dismissed, then a pardon can be blamed on the “witch hunt” and incorrect prosecution of poor Mr. Manafort. Remember how Manafort got started with Lee Atwater and Roger Stone.


I don’t think it was ever admitted into evidence. There would have been obvious problems with authentication, plus it wasn’t necessary to any of the charges against him. The tax evasion charges were based on banking records, not the ledger.

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I have a sneaking feeling that those two may be spending more time together than they had ever imagined possible…


Q. Why try to keep them apart??

They both deserve to be members of ‘GenPop’ at Sing Sing.

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Haha my thoughts when I read it too :grin:

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Prison Bars Haven’t Kept Manafort And Giuliani Apart

Prison bars cannot stop true love.


Especially if you’ve managed to squirrel something away to bribe the trustee.

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Here’s a lovely throwback pic of Liz Warren.


I was just trying to come up with a country prison song to link to this story and couldn’t do it.


Be very careful. There are ‘people’ who think this is a mission statement, not sarcasm.

Reminds me of Goodfellas; “fuck you, pay me!” And when the business is bankrupt, burn it all down. Truth is stranger than fiction.

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I didn’t take that as sarcasm at all. Sounded pretty accurate.

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trump’s insistence that everyone accept his version of reality is pretty astounding. The “biggest inauguration crowd in history” was the perfect precursor to what has unfolded thru out his presidency. The Alabama Hurricane was another example of how far he would go to force his perspective on the public. This BS investigation of the “oranges” of the Mueller probe put together by him, Rudy and Manafort (as well as most of the rest of his administration) shows that there is no limit to what he will do to get his point across. In this case he has to be successful or he will most likely end up in jail so I won’t be surprised if he tries to shut Congress down before it’s over. That won’t work but I expect some version of this from him rather than comply with impeachment proceedings.


Who wasn’t he possibly in contact with?

Sure, there’s that. But to get the both-sides thing going you gotta start somewhere.