This article was originally published at ProPublica, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
This article was originally published at ProPublica, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom.
I knew Google was up to no good!
Is that pussy looking for things on the internet? (That’s ironic.)
"The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it." – George Orwell
“What lurks inside Google’sBlack Box?”
Maybe Trump and friends and the RNC?
“I don’t publish fake news,” he said. “I follow strict editorial standards.”
Says every purveyor of fake news.
“Don’t be evil.”
If it weren’t so preposterous, I would think that the setup described in the article would be perfect for anti-American governments, malicious foreign non-state actors, and militia groups.
It helps get uneducated Americans to try to tear down American institutions.
Well at least FoxNews stopped saying they were “fair and balanced”. Why bother?
“I follow strict editorial standards.”
I just can’t tell you what they are. That’s how strict they are.
Sounds like the new US House and their particular rules.
Funny how cons identify with words like strict, upright, righteous, principled, proper etc when the truth is they’re anything but.
Fake it until you make it.
Then fake some more.
Google’s advertiser info blocking is bad, but it’s nowhere near as evil as what Facebook does with ads and personal information. Google at least sequesters your personal data (as far as I know and subject to correction). Facebook doesn’t.
The way the Facebook (now “Meta”) sausage is made is explained here in an article from 2018, with quotes from a former Google executive. I don’t think anything has changed in how they’re doing business since this was written, except that Apple has limited how far FB can go with new App store policies:
So… fake it till you die?
Is there lie after death?
You’ve got to be consistent if you want to attract the big money. No f-ing scabs!
Brilliant observation : - )
“The vast majority of our publishers, including those who are listed as confidential in their sellers.json, are well intentioned, policy compliant, and contribute to the overall vibrancy of our network.”
This reminds me of the UK’s sex offender registration process. They issued a similar claim only to have it pointed out that the majority of sex offenders were people like flashers or other minor offenders. The really evil predators — guess what? — moved and failed to re-register.