Pompeo Slams Europeans After Soleimani Strike | Talking Points Memo

During an appearance on Fox News host Sean Hannity’s Friday night, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threw European allies under the bus for not coming around to President Trump’s authorization of the strike that killed top Iranian military official Qasem Soleimani.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1282651

Alternate Headline: "Pompous Pompeo Strikes Again!"


You Fat Fuck.

You sure know how to win friends and influence people.

This isn’t blackmail territory (like here).


The Europeans ought to break the sanctions and buy oil from Iran as a means to stave off a larger conflict.


“Frankly, the Europeans haven’t been as helpful as I wish that they could be,”

The same europeans that are still shaking their heads over AG Barr’s grand tour trying to gin up some Biden dirt? Those same europeans that are being hit with waves of millions of middle-eastern war refugees? Yeah, can’t understand why they wouldn’t want to jump into this shitfight.


“Frankly, the Europeans haven’t been as helpful as I wish that they could be,” Pompeo said. “The Brits, the French, the Germans all need to understand that what we did — what the Americans did — saved lives in Europe as well.”

I strongly suspect it is people just like you for whom Jesus asked for forgiveness, for you have no idea what you have done.


I thought about that. In fact that should have been done long ago.

Iran is a modern state. At some point, the institutions, development and level of interconnectivity with the outside world will overtake what people are focusing upon now.

When I was a youth, I was terrified of “Red China”.


“Frankly, the Europeans haven’t been as helpful as I wish that they could be,” Pompeo said. “The Brits, the French, the Germans all need to understand that what we did — what the Americans did — saved lives in Europe as well.”

That may have been the stupidest and most clueless utterance ever made by a public official.


If this was so helpful to the Euros, why didn’t this dunggobbler notify their governments prior to the strike? The Euros are fucking done with you and your miscreant master.


We need to hang on for the remaining months so that we can rescue our NATO Alliance.


Iranians are among the most pro-western folks in the Arab and Muslim world. They are natural allies of the US and the west. Folks who are in power in the US and across the west should do what they can to stave off a war.


One request: could we PLEASE cool it with the “throw under the bus” cliche?


He tried calling the Kurds but they all changed their cell number.


not enough for this pompous blowhard to gaslight Americans - now he expects the entire world to accept his alternative facts and celebrate his orange master


“Pompous Pompeo The Pimple Strikes Again!” FIFY


You are so right. They remind me of the Chinese scenario.

When the U.S. started the Ping Pong Diplomacy in the early 1970s, I knew then that it was time for the Chinese to enter into relationships (reciprocal and necessarily inter-obligatory) with other nations.

I am wearing shorts made in Egypt (bought yesterday at Wal Mart)…

Oh…and I am hell at ping pong


Because you did not warn any of our allies about the pending strike. Another move like this and I expect allies will pull their troops out of the area leaving the US alone.


TrUmp saVed EuroPe from thE menace o& Iran. TheY shouLd paY TrumP with HeaPs of PraiSe and GiVe more moneY to nato.


So, the Israeli and Saudi leaderships are happy for the U.S. to fight the fights that they want and take the hits for doing so.

The Europeans, on the other hand, have the sense to not want hostilities in the region to escalate.

ETA: And to the contrary, I think it’s perhaps the Europeans and Canada, our traditionally strongest allies, who might consider throwing Trump under the bus. This latest move just adds to the shit they’re tired of.


"The United States is trying…to get the Islamic Republic of Iran to simply behave like a normal nation.” Says the Secretary of State of the nation that just assassinated a top government official of Iran. The same Secretary of State who’s been conspiring with his own President to hack their own 2020 election. And that President is, well, Donald Trump.

“Normal” has contacted its lawyers and will file a defamation suit.