Poll: More Americans Now Believe Police Brutality Is A Serious Problem In US | Talking Points Memo

DETROIT (AP) — A dramatic shift has taken place in the nation’s opinions on policing and race, as a new poll finds that more Americans today than five years ago believe police brutality is a very serious problem that too often goes undisciplined and unequally targets black Americans.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1315260

And it’s not because of the media, Officer Friendly. It’s because of you and your punk thug friends beating the hell out of peaceful protesters. It’s because of your behavior as seen on thousands of cell phones. Look in the mirror, you whining bullies, if you want to see who’s causing your problems.

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Some numbers to chew on. Compared to Europe, deadly use of force by police in the US is anywhere from 20-200X greater, depending on the country for comparison.

Yes, our police are brutal, and many times even malignant, when they use force. It seems that we had to see the malignant cases to understand police were in general brutal in the use of force. And it is disproportionately directed against African-Americans. But even if you are white, you still have a 26X greater chance of being killed by the police than a German citizen would have in Germany.

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