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This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis.
“Extremists” (or the billionaires that benefit) have the money. Enough said?
Unfortunately, most RethugliCons have learned from Trump that all of politics is transactional. “If I spend money – lots and lots of other people’s money – running for election, I deserve to win, . . . . no matter how the votes are counted. Votes not cast for me should not even be counted.” That is the Rethuglican “Golden Rule.” Like in the Gilded Age, all elections are bought.
The extremists are in control of the Trumpist party (it can no longer be called the Republican party) because there are a lot of unelected billionaire extremists who have money and control of large hunks of American media but have never bought into the idea of democracy.
Oh, sure. Making sure every eligible citizen can vote, and making voting easier sound all good and even constitutional. But what if your party’s ideology only appeals to a (shrinking) minority? Do you go with this “democracy” cr** – or go for the win?
Remember, our 1700s-vintage Constitution is designed to allow for minority rule. The Electoral College/Rube Goldburg mechanism for electing the one national office; the Senate; legislative districts… A party willing to exploit these features-not-bugs can continue to run the country and the states with a constantly diminishing minority of the votes. And once the takeover is complete, it will take greater and greater supermajorities for states and the federal government to dig out.
We may be past that point.
“Politicians need to work for the voters”
Billionaires and Bolsheviks
to be fair the former have done much more damage to the country than the latter