New footage and recordings of 9-1-1 calls reveal more detail about the Tuesday killing of Ma’Khia Bryant by a Columbus Police Department officer.
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I’m beginning to think that perhaps guns are not the best tool to use first in most situations.
It’s easier to help a victim with a knife wound than a perp with a GSW. Just sayin’.
It’s still a deadly weapon, and in both cases your insides get ripped apart by metal. There’s an old saying that appears in various forms but the general idea is that the loser of a knife fight dies on the ground, the winner dies in the ambulance.
I don’t suppose cops that shoot first and ask questions later paid much attention in EMT class either.
Look, life is complicated. The guy rolls up and right in front of him one person is swinging a knife on another. I’m not sure we have to reflexively blame the cop here. They aren’t always wrong.
Two words: warning shots. I’m all out of patience with the cops lately for some reason.
It seems pretty clear to me that she had a knife and was in the process of using it. The officer doesn’t appear to be in a position to stop the attack without shooting If it was my daughter that was about to be stabbed I wouldn’t want the officer to wait before shooting. Having said that, we are a very long way from knowing exactly what happened there and why.
It continues unabated…
Shot him in his car…their absolute favorite place to shoot a black man. “Hands where I can see them!!! Get out of the car!!!” Reaches for door handle…blam blam blam…“He reached for something!!!”
Although it sounds like in this case he ran to his car and tried to to drive away, so of course that meant he had to die. Can’t let a disobedient black guy run free now, can we?
Investigate. That’s what subsequently should happen.
I’m talking about this particular unique case.
The officer did shout and she didn’t appear to be deterred from attacking the girl in pink. The outcome either way was tragic. I understand the urge to protest, but perhaps waiting until there is more information would be wise here.
I think seeing an at-least equivocal case after thinking and feeling about a notorious case that wasn’t is a test of your critical thinking abilities. You have to separate those cases and it can be a challenge.
I think you need to envision a world where conflicts end without corpses before you can achieve one.
I get that all these cases are different and that being a cop is a difficult job (I wouldn’t last a day), but the doubts being expressed right now are what keep that thin blue line acting as it does.
I am shaking my head over this cop’s stupidity:
Lt. William Kelly, who worked in internal affairs for the Norfolk Police Department, was terminated after he expressed support for Rittenhouse and made an anonymous $25 donation to his defense fund. The officer’s message at the time read, in part: “God bless. Thank you for your courage. Keep your head up. You’ve done nothing wrong.”
Placed on leave last Friday and fired today.
Imaging the possibility that a cop acted in accordance with training and policy in a no-win situation is what keeps abuses happening? That’s an intriguing assertion.
Don’t know what you mean here.
I have said this before…I was at the music game a lot when I was younger…and not everyone on the Set was a W.A.S.P.
For years, “gig” meant music, not tragedy…and the people I played with drove.
We have got to progress from the stench of Trumpism.
Josh had a reader writing about the “Post-Trump Era” and he/she laid out as compelling readout of our climate crisis as I have seen recently by a reader…we will not be able to use all our will in doing what we must with also fighting against a Cult for the Republic and the Rule of Law
Agreed, this was a truly unfortunate incident, but if the videos are accurate, an attack was in progress as the cop arrived. What would have happened if they stood back, and the girl being attacked was fatally stabbed? Not defending the cop, just a lot of variables we can’t armchair quarterback.
I saw a knife, and I saw a person trying to stab another person. I hate cops, but this shooting looks justified. He had no time to think it over, and had to make a decision. Watch the body cam footage, and thank your lucky stars it was not someone in your family in that fight. There are problems with the police, but you can’t see it here (except that blue lives matter BS at the end).
I know they worry about being accurate in leg shots but is it so hard to shoot the tires to stop someone from driving away?