Well, this is a known MO for Putin types. Don’t need to kill opponents when you can destroy their character with “legends”.
ETA. Not a conspiracy theorist, really, but, as I said, it’s worth bookmarking
Well, this is a known MO for Putin types. Don’t need to kill opponents when you can destroy their character with “legends”.
ETA. Not a conspiracy theorist, really, but, as I said, it’s worth bookmarking
It’s not paranoia if they are out to get you.
(watergate reference, TPM comment minder-bot)
FYI, Minder-bot doesn’t like posts in all caps.
Definitely fer sure sounds like a third rate burglary.
Trumptards informing Cummings to back off.
Cross burning is next.
Elijah probably just forgot to leave the new code for the exterminator …
Said ouster did not occur until two years later, after Nixon was re-elected in the interim.
The timing is off. Trump blew up at Cummings after this incident. It could still be Trump-related, but it would have to have been an insider who knew Trump was going to target Cummings, rather than a MAGAt inflamed by the racist tweets.
Anyone see G. Gordon Liddy lately?
Yes, but there were norms and people willing to enforce them.
Bunk could look into it. But he’s murder police.
Love me some Bunk. And some Lester.
Might be a good time to re-re-binge
So the break-in was a few hours before this:
Maybe he got the report back from the burglars and they mentioned running into a rat in the basement where they crawled in… And germaphobe freaked out about that and ran with his hyperbole.
No, it will just be a giant letter “T” for Trump…
Fun fact: Nancy P. comes from prominent Baltimore family. NP quote to the Baltimore Sun:
Shake-and-Bake Baby!
3:40 am is pretty precise - so let’s assume that there was an alarm. Let’s say EC sprung the extra $79.99 for a camera(s). Also, let’s say cops have had footage since Saturday. LET’S SEE THE CRIMESTOPPERS FOOTAGE! Might be a familiar face there.
Faux is the only outlet stating,“property owned by Elijah Cummings”. Could be a rental?
Now Don McGahn (SP???) gets someone at the FBI to beat up his wife to keep her quiet, that is next, right? Or is my timeline off?
The link in the article to the local TV station said it was his house.
Good point about the specific time. There’s either an alarm or security camera somewhere in the picture.