NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Nashville police urged nearby residents to get away as an ominous recording blared from a recreational vehicle. Suddenly the warning stopped, and Petula Clark’s 1964 hit “Downtown” started playing. Then the bomb went off.
It looks like this guy may have been a loner who wanted to commit a spectacular suicide. He did not target individuals like Unabomber, but setting it off outside the AT&T building sounds like he had it in for them. It is a miracle no one was killed, even with the warnings.
Well those guys seemingly planning to abduct the Governor of Michigan were really trying to perform a citizens arrest. I guess this guy with a truckload of explosives was just doing some un-regulated demolition.
Under Trump’s DOJ there’s no such thing as white supremacists or right wing terrorists. White guy from suburbs blows himself up downtown in truck bomb? Nothing to see here, just an “explosive-rights activist.”
Yes, but they got there before the thing blew and shortly after it started with the announcements. Didn’t they at least have a peak inside to see if anyone was home.
I know that the reflex is blame right-wing terrorists around here. And I’m sure the wing-nut-o-sphere is full of AntiFa paranoia. And we can (and almost certainly will) argue about what constitutes “terrorism”. But there simply is not enough information, yet, on motivations and the information that is coming out appears to paint a picture of a sad and lonely man with personal issues, family issues, that chose to commit suicide in a dramatic way that may or may not connect to AT&T and his father.
Is it frightening? Yes. Were the people of Nashville terrorized? Yes. Can we connect it to some larger schema of domestic terrorism? We don’t know, yet, but I kind of doubt it.