Police Chief Groups Offer Varying Levels Of Criticism For George Floyd’s Killing

Two major police chief groups denounced, to varying degrees, the killing of George Floyd Wednesday, and applauded the firing of the four Minneapolis Police Department officers who participated.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1311322

I’d guess the difference is very black and white?


The group couched the denunciation, though, in a call for a full investigation during which “all circumstances” are weighed and the assertion that videos may not tell the full story.

Hard to imagine there’s another side to this.


Calling the officers’ actions “inconsistent” with the protocols of the profession

When a white woman can call the cops on a black man with the clear intention of knowingly and arguably putting his life in danger, I would say perhaps it’s not so “inconsistent” at all.

Add to that the glaring disparity of police responses to armed white supremacist agitators to that of peaceful demonstrations by people of color, case closed.


There is. Took the cop 8 minutes to choke the man to death.

Normal police procedure is to just shoot on sight when the person is a minority.

So for sure the cops want to investigate why they didn’t just shoot and claim they saw him reaching for a gun.


“When Chauvin removes his knee after several minutes, Floyd is unresponsive.”

This sentence does a gross disservice to the facts. Please change it to indicate that Floyd was unresponsive LONG BEFORE Chauvin removed his knee, that Chauvin was loudly told by onlookers that Floyd was unresponsive, that it was readily observable by Chauvin and the other pigs presents that Floyd was unresponsive and that the video shows Chauvin continuing to kneel on Floyd’s neck despite this information. Too many words? Tough shit.


There is. The other side of the phone camera that took the video indisputably proving this was a murder. That organization doesn’t want to lose dues from rabid jackbooted white nationalist Trump KKKultist pigs.


Indeed. I would suggest one more very key modifier: “RELIABLY.”

ETA: It’s really the known and understood reliability/predictability of the danger a 911/police call poses
to a black person, particularly a black man, that elicits the Karening behavior. Karens are a symptom of the degenerate racist nature of our law enforcement and justice systems…very very dead canaries…not the cause.


It should also be noted that Chauvin didn’t even get off his neck while the EMT checked him for a fucking pulse.


Good point and an important one that also illustrates his “depraved indifference.” If there is any justice in the universe at all, Chauvin is going to be spending a long long time in solitary for his own protection.


Until disBarr intervenes.


Chauvin is going to be a guest star at the RNC. I wouldn’t hold my breath expecting otherwise.


The conspiracy theorist in me thinks this is what was meant by “nothing can stop what’s coming.”



After World War II, the KGB used agents in Europe to stage anti-semitic vandalism, in the hopes that it would incite additional anti-semitic crimes from the locals. It worked. There was a whole spate of them, and IIRC someone was even killed.

On day 1 of the MPLS protests, the only vandalism was to the police precinct HQ. On day 2, dozens of buildings are set on fire, and important stores are looted, namely Target and Walgreens.

It’s already conventional wisdom that a mob can be incited to escalation by a small number of people. I think a 24-hour period is plenty of time for American Nazis, who are sympathetic to Trump and share his hatred for liberal cities like MPLS, who believe that the best future is one where the American system is violently destroyed and replaced by a semi-apocalyptic Libertarian wasteland, to decide to capitalize on the volatile situation by infiltrating the protests and then pushing them toward destructive violence.

I was watching live from protestors who streamed video from their phones. Onlookers seemed surprised when the first fire, in Autozone, started. Over the night, dozens of fires were started, and about 30 buildings were burned. It would have been easy for one or two people to do that over the course of the evening, especially given how dark the night was.

Maybe it was a protestor who felt the need to hurt the city for the killing of George Floyd.
Maybe it was an opportunistic firebug.
Maybe it was a Trump-aligned white nationalist eager to plunge a liberal stronghold into chaos.


The Boston Globe had an article that included quotes from the Chiefs of the State Police, Transit Police, City of Chelsea Police and a retired State Police Sgt who is currently a Republican State Rep. Each unequivocally denounced the actions of the Minnesota cops. The two key takeaways: the neck is off-limits and reduce force once a suspect stops struggling.


Breathing While Black?

Can’t have none of that nonsense…

They’ll cop a plea…

Complete with his own “Sheriff Dave” bobblehead…


The cop is entitled to hire an attorney and present his “side” at trial. But the evidence is way beyond sufficient to arrest him and prosecute.


So here’s what I know living about 30 miles from downtown Minnie.

This picture was taken last night from an overpass in my hometown across the river in Wisconsin.

That orange you see isn’t fluorescent lights.

My understanding is that the rioters are headed partway here as the officer that killed the man on video tape lives in one of the eastern suburbs. They’re on their way there now, I suppose, to settle the score.

The rioting is also taking a place just a short distance from the Red Cross where my husband works. He’s becoming concerned about being able to get out of St. Paul later today. One of his co-workers lives downtown in Minnie and is in a neighborhood where the rioting is close by. Hubby may be driving this guy home tonight because the co-worker’s mode of transportation is mass transit - good question as to whether it’s still running or if it’s even safe to be on it if it is.

Apparently local TV is running the constant stream of what’s happening.

While I understand the anger, this is not helping the cause at all. It’s only ingraining peoples’ attitudes toward the problem. Hubby tells of a long-standing family-owned 100-year-old sausage shop that is now in ashes due to the rioting. The owners had no dog in the hunt, but they’ve lost their business.

Not helping matters. Not at all.


I think that ship sailed long ago to be honest.

If you ask me, America has it coming and deserves to reap what it has knowingly and deliberately sown for so long. Is it sad? Sure. Is it counterproductive? In some ways. Will our enemies try to use it against us? What don’t they? Are there innocent victims involved? Define innocent.


The owners of that business that’s now in ashes. And many more like them.