Playwright And AIDS Activist Larry Kramer Dies Of Pneumonia At 84

NEW YORK (AP) — Larry Kramer, the playwright whose angry voice and pen raised theatergoers’ consciousness about AIDS and roused thousands to militant protests in the early years of the epidemic, has died at 84.

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Remember seeing The Normal Heart in London in 1986 and how long it stayed with me. Kramer is known for being angry and outspoken, but I wept. RIP Larry Kramer. If there’s a heaven, I’m sure you’re with many friends again.


The world has lost a monumental voice for equality and respect. A tremendous creative genius whose work will speak to future generations. God bless you Larry.


Belongs on Biden’s short list for posthumous Medals of Freedom.


I was hoping he’d live long enough to dance on the orange maniac’s grave. RIP - you’ve earned it.


As a New Yorker many people thought he could be a bit overly loud and brash. There was a lot of the concern trolling about “why can’t he push his cause without being so in your face”. But when you think about it that loud and brash eventually worked. He became best friends with Dr. Fauci which says a lot. Fun fact: He lived in the same building as Ed Koch. Apparently he would sneer at him.


One of the great cultural voices of the 20th century----and a towering figure in gay history.


A great American, a fine human being, a drum major for equality, a mensch among men.


Pneumonia is more of a description of symptoms than it is a diagnosis of disease. There are bacterial as well as viral pneumonias. Is there any information on what specific pathogen caused his?