I can’t imagine a bigger driver for blue turnout than said creature.
All you have to do is stand up against these clowns and most of them turn into meek little puppies.
I still don’t understand why the GOP Cock…er… Republicans, are so frightened of being primaried by these Types. Just do what Murkowski did a few years ago when she lost her primary to Joe Miller. Leave the party, become an independent, then after she won, rejoin the party.
Miller was purple with rage… but it was HELPLESS rage.
This from Maggie Haberman seems to support that; i.e., Perdue went golfing with Trump in an attempt to get support but was insufficiently rabid and dedicated to vengeance to gain it.
This will give him more time to learn how to pronounce the Vice-President’s name.
I wish that journalists would call out these guys for using the terms “legal votes” and “illegal votes” because it is pretty clear that they mean “white votes” and “black, brown, hispanic, asian, and native ie colored, votes”. Which is not to say that white people don’t vote Democratic, we do, but they know that Democrats can’t win without POC and their white allies. But when these guys talk about legal vs illegal they have something racist in mind.
Who got to him, and how?
Perdue filed as a candidate for the race a week ago, but said at the time that he was still weighing his options.
Looks like the money weighed Perdue and found him wanting.
Harder to do in a state like GA which requires a top two runoff election if no candidate receives more than 50%.
I think he took another look at Warnock and is now a big fan.
Maybe I dream, but I’m hoping he made this decision because, much like Trump, he’ll be busy fending off AG Garland’s DoJ.
I’m with you on this - I serve as an election officer in my county, and this crapola about “illegal votes” burns me up. There were a couple of problematic votes (a Republican perpetrator, as I recall, in one case where a guy completed his deceased mother’s mail-in ballot). The GOP spreading this ugly lie is infuriating
Thank you.
Very kind, thank you!
and Perdue is a chicken
I don’t think the GQP base in GA would hesitate to nominate her. The only question is whether she’d be willing to risk her seat by sitting out for two years after she loses the general. But then she’s more than delusional enough to believe she could win.
Cheaters know exactly how hard they tried to steal the 2020 election. That’s why they’re still in disbelief that it wasn’t enough,
The funny thing about that is that MTG lived in the North Atlanta suburb of Alpharetta and tried several times to run for Congress and was defeated each time handily. She moved to NW GA to run in that district when Tom Graves decided not to run for reelection…
Doug Collins will run against Warnock.
…of privelege.