Perdue Will Not Challenge Warnock In 2022 After All

Damn…that would be funny.

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Exactly. You can let states control the maker of the machines and a lot of other details, as long as the states hold to certain criteria that insure equality at at the ballot box…including making voting easier.

It’s such bullshit and a holdover from a far different time in our development as a democracy.


Sorting out the campaign donation calls from the insider trading tips is probably too tricky to keep track of.


David Perdue is 71 and is worth north of 25 million, he probably realized that there are many other things to do with the little time he has left other than fighting culture wars he doesn’t really believe on.


The only thing they can profess to believe in is fealty to Donald Trump. It doesn’t look fun or fulfilling; I wouldn’t run for re-election either.

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What a chicken.


Almost like the feds might be keeping their eye on things this time.

(Polite cough)



He got out because this is already shaping up to be a nasty republican primary. Loeffler is hinting she might run again and Collins I would say is definitely running. There will also be several republican state officials running as well. Collins Loeffler was just a warm up for what the republican primary will be like this go around…a race to who can be the Trumpiest (which is fine by me…since it worked so well last time)


Purdue is the university.

Perdue is the chicken company, but unrelated to the former senator/current asshole.


If anything, it will turn out even more Democrats. When the Republican General Assembly passes its vote suppression bills, Democrats are going to say, “OK. You done? Here, hold my beer.”


Perdue has put his faith in the GA legislature’s ability to suppress Democratic votes.


“I am hopeful that the Georgia general assembly, along with our statewide elected officials, will correct the inequities in our state laws and election rules so that, in the future, every legal voter will be treated equally and illegal votes will not be included,”




White meat.


I think you are exactly right.

The Republicans smartest move would have been to lay low and try to use voter outreach to minority voters to tamp down Democratic energy. Going full voter suppression with 2 years for the Democrats to respond is just plain stupid. That is what one would expect from Republicans. They don’t have anything else going for them.


Gee, no do whistles in that statement about counting only the legal votes…Perdue probably doesn’t want to deal with the awful primary, which will contain at least one openly racist Republican, where he would have to go hard down the white supremacy path to win, and then try to tack back into the middle. If he can’t be sure that the votes of Black Georgians would be suppressed like they used to be, he knows that path won’t work. And, it’s not worth it to him.

It will be a race to watch though…it is very likely going to be openly racist, with claims of rigged voting from the very start. The lies will be epic, but with Warnock and Abrams on the ballot they will have trouble stopping the Democrats from winning, unless they manage to deploy so much voter suppression that it undoes the democracy in GA…and that’s a real possibility this time around.


She may play well in Deliverance country, but I doubt that she’d go over big in Atlanta.


It was intended as snark and I said nothing about her chances, but the QOP seems to be going Full Qanon (when someone like Purdue doesn’t make muster for failing to kiss 45’s ass sufficiently) so they just might let her embarrass herself.

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Of course it was snark. And very funny it was. But it’s still a good straight line for pointing out that the darling of Georgia’s little corner of Appalachia doesn’t stand a chance statewide.


Between this and the fact that it is likely Warnock and Abrams will both be on the balllot, meaning a good Democratic turnout