Sadly this bothers me. Too many people on BOTH SIDES rush to judgment and include shit in their outrage that only takes you know a few minutes to find out if they are even related. Just bothers me how so little education people do on the internet. Just a pet peeve. Hell I still the NY Post article is bullshit but before I go off on it i started digging around trying to find evidence real evidence of anything. It takes a few searches to educate . .sigh . .
Poor Alexa on Perdue’s social media account, Not only did she have to clarify about1000 times they are not related to the senator, she probably hears smart speaker jokes all day. “Alexa, what’s the weather forecast for next Thursday?”
In retrospect, maybe “we should create a product whose sole purpose is to broadcast to the entire world your thoughts that you spent no more than five seconds considering” was a bad pitch.
As this involves my home state of Maryland, and since I’m a big fan of Perdue chicken, please don’t boycott the company. Other than sharing the same name, there is no affiliation with the soon-to-be ex-Senator from Georgia. Please friends, do your homework first.
If Senator Kamala Harris weren’t the VP running mate I’d suggest that she refer to the Senator as David Perdouche , no disrespect intended.
I have a perfectly normal first name that is spelled slightly different, it’s still considered a normal spelling, but I too have had people say it wrong. But they mispronounce the “a” in my first name as a “o”. I also worked with a woman who spelled her name almost the same as the Senator’s, but hers started with a “C”, and she let you know not to call her Cammy, I just hope no one tries to call Senator Harris, Kommy. I can’t believe that the Trump team is too scared to cross that bridge.
As a protest against the racist Senator’s appalling comments, we recommend that our customers continue to use Perdue chickens to make delicious Indian curries like Chicken Tikka Kamala-mala-mala-whatever.
For years Republicans like Senator Perdue have found themselves able to mock, insult, bully or otherwise demean Democrats with utter impunity. They had the protection of the Right Wing media. Nobody held them accountable. The Press didn’t report it or if they did they were privately amused. The general public didn’t take notice probably because they didn’t hear about it and the Republican base was delighted. Perdue thought he would get away with this insult.
Times have changed. People are paying attention and Republican bully boys are being held to account.
It would be funny if we could point to stupid comments and mistaken identity as a contributing factor to improving Chesapeake Bay water quality. A guy can hope!
“But things are changing. Last week Joe Biden shifted his public statements to explicitly connecting his decision on expanding the Court to the outcome of the Barrett confirmation process.”
As I’ve been saying: Biden could be one of the most progressive POTUSes in history. He will do what is needed if we take the House and Senate and put it in front of him. The trick is doing the hard work of detoxifying, politically speaking, some of the things we want to happen. That’s not accomplished with rabid, angry, extremist activism that serves as a mirror image of the rabid, angry, extremist nonsense the GOP engenders in its base to justify its abusive behavior.