Pence To Reemerge In South Carolina For First Time After Leaving White House

They are waiting for him open-armed…


Is that him or is it the life-support machine?

The sage was part of an exorcism or ritual cleansing, I assume. Nobody wants evil spirits in his or her office.


LOL he really is the most negligible person.


So much for “the courage to do the right thing”.

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South Carolina, one of the most important states in the Republican nomination race

So the most intransigently confederate state is critical to the republican (presidential) nomination; tells you all you need to know about the gop.


If trump hadn’t tried to have Pence killed, there would not be this Garbo Speaks atmosphere in the media. It’s the attempted murder by insurrectionist mob and Pence’s continuing slavish devotion to trump that’s attracting the coverage.

I really get annoyed at the characterization of these hate groups as “conservative Christian lobbying group” when they’re just as radicalizing as Taliban madrassas.

Any bets as to whether or not members of this particular group supported the January 6th insurrection (hang Mike Pence)?

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His upcoming speech in South Carolina, one of the most important states in the Republican nomination race…

He doesn’t stand a chance in the Republican primaries against The Fly.

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“Pence To Reemerge In South Carolina”

Kinda reminds of the Botticelli painting, “The Birth of Venus”, with the goddess rising from the sea on a clamshell, only this time more white and with a smaller penis.

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Hope he’s been in the tanning booth. A used Q-tip should look the part.

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Considering Trump supporters were shouting “hang Mike Pence” and South Carolina is both a big Trump state and has a rich history of lynchings, it could be adventuresome.

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Yep, you can buy bouquets or “Sticks” of dried sage for this. The new admin probably got them in bulk.

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The only thing that made Pence even remotely relevant over the past four years was being an impotent VP to the worst president in U.S. history. Now that he’s out of office, even that minute amount of relevance has gone away.

If the wind blows hard enough, he’s likely to just float away.

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Où sont les neiges d’antan? Ici, en South Carolina

“Pence To Reemerge In South Carolina”

Early cicada hatch…

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Send in the flies!

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You are being kind. I thought he was a suppository.

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Who knows, Q-Tip might just be able to stage a comeback…