Pence To Reemerge In South Carolina For First Time After Leaving White House

It’s soiled, now.

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Truly the best concise summary of Mike Pence I’ve seen.

(Read the whole thing!)

He doesn’t think he’s done, and neither does the faction in the GOP that would like to forget Trump existed. Every VP from the prior administration is a presumed front-runner in the next election’s primary and Pence is no different. He’ll be the presumed front-runner until someone else like Cotton, Haley, or Don Jr. takes the spotlight.

He won’t make it through the primary, because having the evangelicals in his pocket isn’t enough. The base wants anger, and Pence doesn’t fake that very well.


With Mike Pence’s charisma, he’d be a great opening act for a cadaver.


He polled 1% in CPAC straw polls.


If you think that’s depressing, just ask the members of the conservative Christian lobbying group.

Takes me back to summer days, cold-calling in industrial parks, waiting rooms with metal chairs, fluorescent lights, paneled walls and trade magazines. Makes me shiver a bit.

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Shorter Mike Pence: I’ve prayed away the bad feelings about Trump trying to get me hanged and am ready to go back groveling at Trump’s feet.


Oh do go away, you silly little man


We shall alert the flies of SC.


And why would anyone care?

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OT-this made my Monday, laughing out loud and grinning ear to ear :grin::laughing::

Kyle Griffin



Susan Rice occupies the West Wing office previously inhabited by Stephen Miller. Aware of the symbolism, Rice has decorated the office with Haitian art and scented it with sage.

“I’ve got more to do than I’ve got hours of the day,” said Susan E. Rice, the head of the White House’s Domestic Policy Council. “It’s new terrain, so it’s fun.”

Taking on a New Role, Susan Rice is Asserting Herself
After serving as United Nations ambassador and national security adviser in the Obama administration, she has unexpectedly ended up helping oversee domestic policy in the Biden White House.


I guess the nasal swab job didn’t work out…


As we undo rule by minority they will get the pence look of bewilderment.

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Sort of a unique figure in the Trump administration in terms of how little it ultimately altered his professional trajectory. Mike Pence’s political career appeared to be entering a persistent vegetative state in early 2016, he gets the VP nod and we have five years of absolute bonkers turn-the-news-up-to-11 craziness, and yet here in 2021…


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The first photograph of Pence reemerging:

tRump has gone from “The Apprentice” to “The Biggest Loser.”


It also pushes for schools to “allow critique of evolution” in biology classes.

I have zero problem with this idea.

“Alright, settle down class settle down. Last week we covered the more than one hundred and fifty years of scientific study of evolution. This morning we will be critiquing the concept of evolution by covering all peer-reviewed scientific articles which refute the theory. Okay well that was fast, let’s move on to another controversial topic: the germ theory of disease.”




CPAC is just the rump of the GOP. In the end, those clowns will still vote for whoever the GOP candidate is, even if it’s Pence (it won’t be).

Punxsutawney Phil’s reemergence gets more notice. God-boy Pence might as well stay home.