Pence Gets COVID-19 Vaccination On Live TV | Talking Points Memo

WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Mike Pence was vaccinated for COVID-19 on Friday in a live-television event aimed at reassuring Americans the vaccine is safe. He celebrated the shot as “a medical miracle” that could eventually contain the raging coronavirus pandemic.

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In Pence’s case and for the rest of the Trump cult, none of the COVID vaccines are known to mitigate stupidity or hypocrisy. Science has its work cut out, but hopefully one will be in place in time for the 2022 election cycle.


When politicians act disconnected from reality, hypocritically, or against their own interest politically then we should ask what has happened/is happening in the shadows.

Vice President Mike Pence was vaccinated for COVID-19 on Friday in a live-television event aimed at reassuring Americans the vaccine is safe.

Assuming for now that the vaccine is safe enough, Pence deserves some credit for going along, if his display actually convinces some number of people who would otherwise resist the vaccine.


I really thought, as recently as a month ago, that the GOP donor class would be all out in messaging the vaccines because it was the best way to get the money spigots flowing again. Aside from Pence’s ineffectual little display here, that really seems not to be the case. Why, for instance, isn’t the NFL offering Super Bowl tickets to the first 100,000 vaccinated buyers?


The president of the United States is sulking because he’s a big baby.

Well, just guessing but I think Trump has poisoned the entire discussion to where for a good chunk of the population it’s impossible to address the pandemic rationally.


I have to agree with you on the big picture, but I can’t help but feel that anyone who abetted trump in his deliberate shanking of the pandemic response should go to the back of the line for both therapeutic and prophylactic treatments.


So Pence is Trump’s taster now. I guess the freak will decide what he does once he sees whether or not Pence grows another head.


White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany told reporters this week that Trump, who has previously spread misinformation about other vaccines, was trying to send a message about priorities by delaying his own inoculation.

“The president wants to send a parallel message which is, you know, our long-term care facility residents and our front-line workers are paramount in importance,” she said.

He could go out on the White House lawn with a bucket and drown a litter of puppies and this soulless liar would have some smooth-sounding explanation for it. Just jaw-dropping what a worthless and foul person she is.


This posits a reality in which the donor class and, more importantly, its financial self-interests are subservient to Lame Duck Donnie. I’m willing to consider the possibility, but it seems remote.



Who cares.

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I think the reality I’d actually posit is they’re rich enough to ride this out, if need be, for the rest of their lives. If they had wanted to call the shots we’d have had a rational response a year ago. They’re willing to let Joe come in and clean up the mess.


I understand and share the anger. (Not that it’s difficult to understand!)


Nothing about the “I have enough money already” hypothesis explains the behavior of the billionaire bunch, whose sole discernible reason for being is more-more-more. (Jeff Bezos’ ex-wife being a possible exception to the rule, but really she’s just giving away her last 10 months of assest appreciation.)


Veep QTip was sooo brave! I bet mother was proud. Maybe even let him see the cookies last night.


Dude the stock markets have mostly recovered. It doesn’t matter to the donors that people are sitting at their kitchen tables watching the unpaid bills pile up.


So, vaccine for the outgoing veep who has only a month left in office, but no vaccine for the President- and Vice President-Elect?

That’s a great way to insure that there’s an uninterrupted transfer of power. Trump is probably on the phone with Pfizer’s management asking whether they’ve got some vials that didn’t get through QC that they can send to Biden, Harris and other Democrats.

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Yeah Trump doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself.


Good for him.

Inoculated against a hoax. Excellent.