The Washington Post has a deep look out today at Project Airbridge, the Trump administration’s effort to quickly airlift huge amounts of PPE from foreign manufacturers into the United States.
I should not longer be surprised, but I am that these wear-my-christianist-beliefs on my sleeve people regularly lie. This is the man who wanted to deliver empty boxes to a care facility “for the camera.” Why do they claim that morality comes from their religion. It seems the opposite is true.
I want to know the allocation of authentic masks that meet the 95% NIOSH standard, vs Chinamade knockoffs that barely filter 45-50% . I bet 100 Trump steaks that Democratic Milwaukee got the shitty ones and Republican suburb Waukesha, the authentic.
Q-tip lies as easily as the orange one, he’s just not as compulsive about it. At least tRump didn’t install a crony/toadie as the head of the USPS or it would seriously affect the mail in voting in six months.
Sort of reminds me of the shenanigans that Trump used the Trump Foundation for, to cover over the fact that Trump’s $$$ weren’t going to charities, but other people’s $$$ was given in his name.
Well, YEAH…If what you said was a flat out lie that you were HOPING would be true then you delete it, RE-attribute something that is not true and keep hoping.
Everybody in this maladministration really, really need to get their eyes examined, they are so bad at optics. The walk backs, the misstatements, the tweeting and deleting of said tweets, this is what they are spending their time on, and we pay for it.
Shaking down states, countries, hospitals, etc has become std op procedure, and everyone in the Treason Party is fine with it. We are a lawless failed state. I don’t see any other way to call it now. There are no consequences for malfeasance by a Republican and all of them know it.