Pence Changes The Topic On Hard Questions Again And Again And Again | Talking Points Memo

There’s a tried-and-true rule for cable TV talking heads: Answer the question you want to answer, not the one you’re asked.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Yes Mike Pence was evasive. It is possible that his lies will work with some low-information voters. But he probably offended just as many with his condescension and hectoring attitude.

But could he have acted like more of a robot? Susan Page’s attempt to cut him off by saying “Thank you, Mr. Vice President,” every five seconds was okay but also very mechanical. I kept thinking that at the end of every Pence answer I was watching Rock’em Sock’em Robots.


LOL: There was a fly stuck to Pence’s head. It rested there for several minutes. The fly on Pence’s head is the perfect symbol, a fly landing on rotting morals of tRumps administration. (Greg Sargent)



Flies like shit and Pence has shit-for-brains.


The fly: it made Pence disappear.

People will ask tomorrow what Pence said. The only thing people will remember about Pence is that a fly took a stroll on his head for two minutes.


The fly was just doing fly stuff. Pence’s head has been so firmly implanted in Trump’s ass that he could not possibly wash away all of the smell.


They just lost fly-over country.


Not surprising at all

I guess you could say he acted like a weasel because, well, that’s what weasels do. And use weasel words.


As we all know, the administration is saving their health-plan announcement for Infrastructure Week.


Pence dodged Questions with the best of them, which made it ironic that he made a big deal about Harris not answering his question — not the moderator’s — about “court packing.”


If Trump is the Joker …
Pence is Hannibal Lecter

… and that B-52 of flies could not be more of an omen than if a sneering Vulture were perched on his shoulder…
… or if a dead albatross were hung around his neck
… for those who put stock in things that may be messages from a higher authority… that Sikorski-sized fat fly… on stark unmistakable display on worldwide TV …was a jarring, shouting unambiguous communication.
“This fat fly can identify excrement… and so should you… it is easy … the fly is sitting on it!”

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And that he continued to talk on and on way past the time limit many times with the moderator saying stuff over him over and over.


Many people say Pence uses certain freshly procured personal bodily fluids as “styling mousse”

The fly reports that this is correct … and very disgusting!

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Susan Page had an easier job than Chris Wallace yet SUCKED(!!) as a moderator!! Though, according to Politico, Harris and Pence ended up with roughly the same speaking time, Harris had to demand she reclaim time after Pence’s interruptions. Page also admonished Harris whenever she interrupted Pence.

Page didn’t ask follow-up questions (if she did, it couldn’t have been more than 2-3 times) and allowed both candidates ignore questions. I would have preferred Page demand the candidates directly answer questions–that would have benefited Harris).

Moreover, Page didn’t challenge outright lies. The fact that media type allows the GOP to deploy the vote fraud myth is a travesty. If the GOP insisted the moon was made of Swiss cheese, would members of the press allow such patently false statements to go unchallenged?

The same with the courts. I thought courts could fine–or jail–lawyers for bringing frivolous cases. In Pittsburgh federal court, lawyers representing the PA GOP, cannot provide any evidence of voter fraud. NONE!!

According to the Brennan Center, “The report reviewed elections that had been meticulously studied for voter fraud, and found incident rates between 0.0003percent and 0.0025 percent.” Yes, that’s FOUR(!!) places to the right of the decimal point. That’s 3/1000 to 25/10000. Those values are so far below zero that they significant in what areas? Medical therapeutics?

Dumpf’s own sham voter fraud commission couldn’t find voter fraud.

So why don’t judges fine, or better yet jail lawyers who bring these specious cases? I don’t see Von Shitkovasky risking county in service of suspicious math and dodgy stats.


Simple, if you got nothing, deflect and try to change the subject. 99.99% of the time it falls flat and emphasizes that you got nothing.

When I saw that picture and how stiff Pence was I wondered if he was asleep. Every picture viewed since seems to confirm that he actually was.

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“I concede your very reasonable point and admit that reality isn’t on our side, but…”

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to respond to this article. I’d like to congratulate the Seattle Woman’s basketball team for another championship. I love basketball.