Pence And Wife Test Negative | Talking Points Memo

Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen tested negative for COVID-19, according to Pence’s press secretary Katie Miller in a Saturday night tweet.

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All believe this, right? I have my doubts, to say the least.


Why is this a top of the fold headline?


Good for him & Mother…whatevs…Anyway, Bone Spurs’ brain on their 2020 Election strategy:

Money quote from Sam Nunberg:
“His argument will be is it’s me vs. the fake news, obstructionists Democrats and the China virus,” said former 2016 presidential aide Sam Nunberg. “Eventually people around him will start saying the Chinese did this to try and sink him. He’s got a great boogeyman out of this. Trump loves foils.”


This Buzzfeed piece below is very good. It highlights Iceland’s mass testing efforts and how effective that has been to control the spread of Covid-19. Yes, they have a small population and the means to test so they can do that more easily than can larger countries. The article anticipates that criticism/counter and pivots to South Korea, a country of 51 million people (11 million more than CA), and how their mass testing approach helped them to get control of the virus.

South Korea Foreign Minister:

“Testing is central because that leads to early detection, it minimises further spread and it quickly treats those found with the virus,” she said. “That is the key behind our very low fatality rate as well.”

The lesson here is that our democratic institutions can be the means by which we exit this crisis more quickly. It requires the people to demand testing from their government. It requires the people to demand PPE for the health care and first responder community. It requires the people to demand that their media make this a primary focus.

Believe it or not, if the Masses demanded testing and pressured the government and the media daily on this point, it would happen and we’d get it in place to exit the quarantines by May. It’s not too late.



So how many times are they going to be tested? How many times is tRump going to be tested? TM ran an article last week where a ER doctor in Washington State tested negative and than at a later date when he began having symptoms tested positive.

Are coronavirus tests flawed?

The CDC had test kits back in January but didn’t distribute them because they weren’t sure if they were accurate. What changes have been made to insure test are more accurate AND what are the chances that the newly developed rapid test which gives results in 45 minutes are accurate?

tRump coronavirus calendar


Pence has aided and abetted this entire criminal enterprise, so it’s difficult to be reasonable about him. That said, if he becomes ill then there will be one less rational person crowded onto that stage when they come out for the daily campaign event. He does, from time to time, admit the truth, and that is a rare thing in this administration. I hope that this brush with potential disaster gives him a better sense of the fear that the rest of the country has. I’m not betting on it, but that is my hope.


WTF have i not heard anyone from this administration, or even from Congress, even suggest the need to immediately develop the capacity to test every single person in this country, at least 3x over, starting immediately?!?! This bastard virus is not going away anytime soon, and the only way to get control over it is to prevent its spread, and the only way to do that is to find out who is positive so they can be isolated from the rest of the population! No one seems to understand that fact! Some countries have figured this out, but no one in our administration.


It’s idiotic/moronic to put someone in charge in a pandemic whose record in IN increased HIV instead of mitigating or decreasing it!

Only a Covidiot-In-Chief would do that…and/or he is setting up Sycophantic Pence to be the fall guy so he can have a new VP.


Meanwhile…a greedy MAGA Covidiot hoarding and proud of it!


You know, that was my first reaction too.

Ever since Bolsonaro “tested negative” after testing positive with the first test, I have doubted every negative coming out of the WH.

And I don’t like it that I’m being sucked into a conspiracy theorist kind of mental state, thanks to the Liar-in-Chief. ‘Cause I swear Pence would die of Coronavirus before contradicting his emperor.




I think the virus attacked Pence, bit into him and died from what it digested. This scumbag who is responsible for much of the increased gun violence in Chicago spent time in his press conference, batting second to Trump and ahead of Ben Carson, thanking mega churches for shuttering and telling everyone that because they can’t drop off their tithe in person they need to mail it in. Pence has done far more damage to America then any virus could do.


This is where I have my big issue with a guy like Fauci. We have clear evidence from other countries that testing works. TEST, TEST, TEST!!! Every public health official, every citizen, every public official should be demanding that the US gov’t put all its efforts into testing. But we allow some morons on tv to accept scarcity of testing which causes everyone to go into social distancing lock down. Fauci isn’t a moron but he’s more guilty than most of downplaying testing. He’s supposed to be helping to coordinate the federal response. He should be screaming “TEST!” from the rafters even if Trump fires him.

That’s terrible for the economy and causes mass unemployment. The better move is to force the fucking gov’t to put every effort into making, procuring and shipping test kits. Nancy provided the funding. Do it. We get out of this mess with mass testing.

I seriously do not get why Republicans aren’t pushing behind the scenes for more testing. They’re going to get whacked at the ballot box and testing, it seems to me, is the way to get out of it and put some distance between this period and e-day.


Pence & wife - not symptomatic, still able to go about daily activities …
only data point of note - had a face to face interaction with a person who has tested positive.

If this were any other person - what would be the recommended action?
A. Self quarantine for 14 days
B. Only test if symptoms emerge
… especially since if it turns out that the test was a false negative … continued regular activities will have spread it much further.


It’s hardly being a conspiracy theorist to doubt the word of a proven, continual liar.


I don’t want to be ghoulish, but in that photo Pence looks like he’s aged 10 years.


That’s a darn shame. Positive results may have finally convinced Disaster Donnie to finally take ownership of the Trump Pandemic.


It’s the hair?


Maybe they think testing isn’t important because, you know, American excceptionalism


tested negative

Orange-man-with-pale-eyes disappointed.
Was hoping to appoint daughter Vice President.
Maybe next test.