Pence Aide Mum On Trip Cancellation | Talking Points Memo

We are no closer to finding out exactly why Vice President Mike Pence abruptly cancelled an event in New Hampshire earlier this month. “I can’t talk about that,” Pence chief of staff Marc Short told reporters Wednesday on the White House driveway, according to Politico. Short then echoed his cryptic remark that the public could expect an answer “in a few weeks.”

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The trip was likely cancelled due to complications with an enormous hemorrhoid. The hemmorhoid is apparently over 300 lbs, 70 some years old, and has a strange unnatural growth of hair on its cranial area.


In other news, Ronald Reagan is still dead.


Pence’s cancellation was directly related to the location at which Pence was set to deliver a speech.

Maybe Pence learned that there were going to be single women and Mother was not with him to fend them off…


Mother heard that New Hampshire is inhabited by women.

edit: shit, commentsniped!

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I’m guessing Donnie has been stiffing airports on landing fees, so maybe Mikey is now on a no-land list?


Well suuure…it hasn’t been two weeks yet as they first said. Now its not for a few weeks. A few weeks is more than two btw. Funny how those timelines change.

Marc Short better come up with something in a week or so or…Who am I kidding? These assholes never planned to offer any explanation. Seems there are some people that are in the know but are giving this maladministration time to come clean and say what it is before they leak the real reason. Someone said it had something to do with the reputation of the drug recovery center he was visiting that made him turn around I read somewhere. I don’t think it was that, but who knows. Seems like a bad reputation wouldn’t deter Pence or anyone in this maladministration in the slightest. Had to have been something bigger, like tRump had no one available to get him his Diet Coke or somethin’.


The recovery business is, by nature, populated with recovering addicts and alcoholics–this administration doesn’t have the guts to be associated with a potential scandal, which has been hinted.

Maybe a principal involved in the center relapsed and robbed another bank or something (it happens!), and Q-Tip wouldn’t want to be in a picture with a suspected criminal!

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Pence is pregnant with Trump’s child.


Marc Short’s list he could not bring himself to choose from:
Plane needed oil change.
V-P dark roots showing, needed to visit hairdresser.
Onboard attendant found to be of female persuasion, not cleared beforehand by Mother.
None of “the blacks” available for hire as audience members at destination - optics would fail.
Current Occupant - drenched by pail of water balanced overhead while entering Oval for the last time - yells “Get that prank-playing little s**t back here.”
Item found seated unsmiling in plane discovered to be cutout. Still searching for the real Mike Dense.


Maybe the day of the cancellation was the day Barr told Trump that SDNY was going to arrest Epstein and he would not be able to shut it down. Pence needs to be available should there were to be an immediate resignation…


This is my theory as well. They didn’t know how much SDNY had, but they knew enough existed that would force an immediate resignation. Like proof of Trump raping of a 13 year old in Epstein’s place in the case that mysteriously went away.


okay, mikey has been back a while now and not seen or heard from.
where did they stick him???

…as is El Generalisimo Francisco Franco Bahamonde…

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What do we know or don’t know here?


Many people are saying that the real security threat story is:

Trump went nuts, and ordered nukes fired at Iran. Or Hillary.

The Secret Service grabbed his iPhone and the WH went into condition NUTS.
All high level communications were shut down except for a reserve communication platform, simulating normal WH press noise, called PABLUM.
Pence was called back, and Trump was given major tranquilizers via his Diet Coke.
Trump was still on major tranquilizers, at a lower dose, for the 4th, which is why the speech was almost presidential.


Welcome Mingus! I like the cut of your jib…or…jibe!



Possibly all too true.

Well played, and welcome to TPM! :smiley: