Fuck them. Fucking goddamn excuses for SCOTUS justices.
Fuck them. Fucking goddamn excuses for SCOTUS justices.
I could interpret that a number of ways but Mark Twain used the hyper-genteel language of the Victorian age to great comic effect. Here he’s saying that when he became a journalist he stopped carrying a pistol:
I went up to Virginia and entered upon my new vocation. I was a rusty looking city editor, I am free to confess–coatless, slouch hat, blue woolen shirt, pantaloons stuffed into boot-tops, whiskered half down to the waist, and the universal navy revolver slung to my belt. But I secured a more Christian costume and discarded the revolver.
I had never had occasion to kill anybody, nor ever felt a desire to do so, but had worn the thing in deference to popular sentiment, and in order that I might not, by its absence, be offensively conspicuous, and a subject of remark. But the other editors, and all the printers, carried revolvers.
Right. And in this existential battle, which one is “doggie-doo,” her armor or her sword?
I disagree. I really think Pelosi has a calculated plan to needle Drumpf until he breaks down completely. Biden can help, but it’s really Obama who could do some serious damage to what passes for Drumpf’s psyche if he took the gloves off, which he seems to be flirting with. If we’re lucky, the two of them together could drive Drumpf to apoplexy (literal apoplexy that is, not just sputtering rage).
Yes, he’s got the sputtering rage angle all worked out.
He said what he said about the coronavirus response being a chaotic disaster knowing perfectly well it would be leaked and I think very likely authorizing that leaking. It was on some kind of conference call IIRC with some twenty people. He can be supernaturally circumspect when he wants to be and he didn’t want to be.
Said it all for me.
Thank you, egyptsteve.
"Its name is Public Opinion.
It is held in reverence. It solves everything.
Some think it is the voice of God."
Some think it their duty to peck at it like a hungry fowl.
Then poop bird poo all over the thread.
Yeah, but people generally don’t shit on the street, gutter or lawns where rain breaks it down and washes it into the storm sewer where it ends up in rivers, creeks and eventually lakes. I suppose in the desert one doesn’t have that problem. Most the storm sewers run into creeks or rivers up here.
More from the Quinnipiac poll.
Biden has a huge lead in the suburbs (59-35) while Trump’s margins in rural areas are not nearly as big as you’d expect (53-40).
OMG. That’s brutal. No wonder Trump’s been demonstrating not just his genius but his stability in such vivid ways.
It also shows that the GOP is more and more becoming a Southern party, with a rump presence in the West.
Which is exactly the fate their own more thoughtful analysts predicted if they didn’t come to their goddamn senses. Which, just to recap, they didn’t.
O bravo for that.
Hahaha. That’s funny. tRump walked right into that one. That stinkypoo about sums him up. Oh, I love this woman. She’s such a bright spot in a rather dim world these days.
Well, they are but that doesn’t mean we have to let them take the rest of us with them. As a resident of the Science-based Reality Plane, I’m going to do everything I can to pull myself and my fellow residents through this, but if residents of Alternate-Reality Planes want to head off into La-La Land, well “Goodbye, and thanks for all the phishes…”
You are not the audience for her expression of contempt. She has fashioned a statement that aims a stiletto directly into the heart of a professed germaphobe who continually vomits sick insults at everyone else, and who seems to have an aversion to dogs.
That is her target. Bullseye!
Isn’t she?
I love her too, to pieces.
I might break my rule about plain tee shirts (no pictures, no writing) for that one.