Pelosi Stands Ground On Impeachment Despite Ukrainian Bombshells

2020 is going to be a disaster. We had a party last night and pretty much everyone was more fed up with the inaction of Democrats. People are bored with Trump but getting angry with Democratic leadership.


I was watching Bill Maher last night, and one thing that the panelists (Andrew Sullivan, Heather McGhee, and Tim Naftali) agreed upon was that a formal impeachment process would make getting Trump’s tax returns and the release of the whistleblower’s complaint pretty much mandatory.


How come you never put any of the onus on Republicans? I understand how you feel about Pelosi…going on about 1000 posts from you like this… but the Rs are just fine? She is not ignoring his criminal acts…Republicans are. The whole executive branch is committing crimes faster than we can keep count. The entire R Senate has detonated every legal recourse Nancy has. The entire R party is cheering each and every new disgrace and outrage, and the R SCOTUS stands ready to backstop them if something does squeak by.


People are bored with Trump but getting angry with Democratic leadership.

And this is the reason why this god forsaken country deserves Rump. You and your kind are just “bored” and somehow the Democrats are supposed to make things right and alleviate your “boredom”.


Let me get this straight first - the GOP senate will block impeachment but they will support a bill that says presidents can be indicted???

She’s got to go.


Then, what’s the point of impeachment? You’re admitting you don’t have an argument with an equally wrong argument.


He is very emboldened and it’s only going to get worse, people. There will be more opportunities to not impeach.


That Pelosi won’t move to impeach means this story will be all about Biden and his son by Sunday morning.

Goddamn but the establishment Democrats are absolutely worthless. Everyone who wanted her out as Speaker knew the truth about her.


FFS, I was a fan, but I ain’t any more.

The sound you hear is the air whooshing out of the dem base enthusiasm balloon.

The dems look like helpless buffoons at this stage.


Pass the law out of the House and Moscow Mitch will do nothing in the Senate. I believe the American people do not believe the president is above the law and when appropriate should be indicted. When the Senate does nothing it’s another reason - campaign issue - why there must be new leadership.


Yup. I talked to close to a dozen just last night.


Honestly what are you hoping for with an impeachment inquiry? Will laying out facts attested to by Trump’s aids, advisers, and cronies sway any Republican in Congress to vote on impeachment?
We now live in post-truth world. We are woke to confirmation that Republicans will not put country over power and $$$.
The simplest way is to vote the motherfuckers out, and vote all of them out.


Exactly! Pelosi should have stormed the White House and arrested Trump months ago. Hell, she has over 200 Democrats in the House and 47 Democratic Senators, many of whom are well under 80. Why haven’t they staged a coup yet?

I mean, just because the DOJ, the Senate and the Supreme Court will all do whatever Trump tells them doesn’t mean that Pelosi shouldn’t be held accountable for not bringing them all to justice.


But the (predominately) White progressives on social media are hating on Madame Speaker because she’s somehow preventing Rump from being impeached. Even though an impeachment instigation is ongoing.


This is learned helplessness. Pelosi has the power to begin impeachment proceedings, and thereby force months of daily hearings into Trump’s current and past criminal behavior.

The point isn’t to remove him. The point is to force enough people to realize we elected a mob boss who is indebted to the Russians as President.


Josh often refers to the “bitch-slap” (please pardon the expression) aspect of politics. By getting stymied at every end and seemingly doing nothing to hold Trump accountable -and though the truth is more nuanced, that’s how it looks to the average American -Dems lose by appearing very weak and people don’t vote for weakness.


Some body do some thing even it’s wrong, just do something.
Threats without action mean nothing.


For various reasons, I think I respect Pelosi perhaps a little more than many here do. Having said that, enough is enough. If your party’s voters are not afraid of the political fallout for God’s sake impeach this monster. It’s apparent that he and his right wing freaks will do everything in their power-and use the power of other countries-to re-elect this POS. They will fix the delegate vote like they did in 2016 and engage Putin to help them. Trump will certainly welcome a Russian template for re-election. And if not one freaking member of our patriotic congress is willing to fall on the knife to save our Constitution, impeach! And let the public decide. When Mitch says nyet yet again, will the American public protest? Because this administration (and I’ve said this before) tested us with dead children in ICE custody, and America failed those children miserably, and Trump learned he can indeed kill children with no consequence. This shit has got to stop. Show some guts and impeach!


The stoopid fucking voters of this country are responsible, first and foremost. I live amongst millions of the stoopidest. You can go weeks and weeks without hearing a logical sentiment.

Now that we voted in an R senate, and R president, and had an R congress…it’s Nancy’s fault that from the tiniest, slimmest of toeholds we should be able to storm the battlements and righteously banish them all to prison. Ds in congress are doing everything they legally can, and Rs are doing everything illegally possible to thwart them.

Pelosi will spring impeachment when the clock says go time. Springing it 2 years before the election would guarantee, like everything else, that it would be forgotten and buried by all the fresh outrages. We have one shot, with one timing cycle to do this…for maximum effect for 2020 which will be an R humiliation. We need it to count, not be a 2019 action that has receded out of view.

If you are that outraged, get in the streets.


Tut tut, Mr. Trump . . . there, now, don’t we all feel better?